PROGRAM EVALUATION: STAKEHOLDERS & TIMELINE Presented by: Stephanie Bailey, Arif Indiarto, Merlessa Rosacina & Natalia Samuels In partial fulfillment of GNRS 5311: Program Evaluation Dr. Eva Stephens Date: August 4, 2015
Question 1 Identify the internal and external stakeholders in the program evaluation process for an undergraduate school of nursing.
Stakeholders Individuals or groups who gain or lose through planning process, program, or project Divided into external and external categories Each holds unique influences in the institution
Internal Stakeholders Individuals or groups within the school of nursing Directly produce and consume education Unique needs and expectation in the institution
Internal Stakeholders Internal StakeholderNeeds & Expectations Traditional Students Faculty relationships, campus safety, academic supports, campus activities, communication, employment, reputation Adult students Convenience of offerings, quality of education, accelerated time to program completion, transferable education, employment Online Students User friendly environment, available tech support, ease of access, employments, transferable education Trustees & Sponsors Stewardship of human, fiscal and physical resources, compliance with governing documents, timely and accurate information, effective strategic planning, resources, reputable academic program, continuance of mission Faculty & Staff Fair compensation, current technology, professional development, recognition, advancement opportunities (Students' and Stakeholders' Needs, 2015)
External Stakeholders Parties outside of the school of nursing Have an interest in success of the nursing program
External Stakeholders Prospective future students Nursing regulatory bodies Current Practicing nurses Clients (patients) Employers of nursing school graduates The community/public served by the nurses (CCNE, 2013)
Question 2 Describe the timeline for program evaluation and how is it determined.
CCNE Accreditation Process Self Evaluation Evaluation Team validates program claims Program responds to evaluation report ARC reviews all submitted documentation CCNE approves, denies or withdraws accreditation image credit:
Timeline Nearly continuous (Billings & Halstead, 2012) Unwise to delay program evaluation until time for accreditation. Image credit: improvement-marketing-campaign.html
Image credit: Start immediately following accreditation visit (Gard, Flannigan & Cluskey, 2004) Ongoing data collection prevents rush in collecting information. Many evaluations best done close to the “event” (Lewallen, 2015).
Accreditation at UTMB School of Nursing UTMB School of Nursing accredited by the CCNE (UTMB School of Nursing, n.d.). Image credit: go_.jpg
Accreditation at UTMB School of Nursing 10 year cycle for existing programs such as the BSN and graduate programs at UTMB. 5 year cycle for new programs such as the DNP (UTMB School of Nursing, n.d.) Image credit: /images/Old_Red_w-plants.jpg
CIPR CCNE support continuous improvement through CIPR (Ellis, 2012). A mid-cycle report of the institution’s continuous improvement efforts (Ellis, 2012). Image credit: s2.jpg
Image credit:
References Billings, D.M. & Halstead, J.A. (2012). Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders. Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education. (2014). Procedures for Accreditation of Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing Programs. Retrieved from Procedures.pdf Ellis, P. (2012). Understanding the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education accreditation process and the role of the Continuous Improvement Progress Report. Journal of Professional Nursing, 28 (1), Gard, C.L., Flannigan, P.N. & Cluskey, M. (2004). Program evaluation: An ongoing systematic process. Nursing Education Perspectives, 25 (4), Lewallen, L.P. (2015). Practical strategies for nursing education program evaluation. Journal of Professional Nursing, 31 (2),
References Students’ and Stakeholders’ Needs (2015). Retrieved from University of Saint Mary: Students’ and Stakeholders’ Needs. University of Texas Medical Branch School of Nursing (n.d.). Retrieved from: accreditations.aspx.