IntroProcessEvaluation Conclusion Task
IntroProcessEvaluation Conclusion Task Before we begin reading Romeo and Juliet, we have to know a little about the time period and about the author in order to understand the implications of the characters, plot, setting, and themes. The internet is a gold mine for popular topics, such as Shakespeare and his infamous biographical information, so why not use our resources and go on a Shakespeare scavenger hunt? But be wary, you will use the information you glean to create a presentation on an assigned topic that you and your group members will present to the rest of the class.
IntroProcessEvaluation Conclusion Task As a group, you will create on of the following projects with the information you gain during this research: 1.PowerPoint Presentation 2.Professional Poster 3.A Newspaper You will need to see me to get the specific requirements for your chosen presentation media! Each group will be assigned one of the following topics. I expect you to be able to conduct an exhaustive and comprehensive research of the web regarding your assigned topic. You will also need to choose a Project Manager who will be responsible for keeping the group on task and on time. Shakespeare’s Life & inspiration for Romeo & Juliet Elizabethan Society & clothing The Globe Theater and it’s history Queen Elizabeth and other famous figures of the Elizabethan era You are going to be responsible for teaching the class about your topic. You must work together with your group members to create an engaging, informative, interesting and cohesive presentation. All members of your group must have equal roles!
IntroProcessEvaluation Conclusion Task Shakespeare’s Life The Globe Theatre Elizabethan Era Elizabeth I Use the following sources to research your assigned topic!
IntroProcessEvaluation Conclusion Task Click HERE to see how your work will be evaluated. HERE *NOTE: While this is a group project, the Speaking Skills and Participation sections will be graded individually.
IntroProcessEvaluation Conclusion Task Beginning 1 Developing 2 Qualified 3 Exemplary 4 Points for category Time Presentation is way too short and shows a lack of effort Presentation is too short and shows minimal effort Presentation is either a bit too short or a bit long and rambling, but contains all major elements Presentation is a concise 7-10 minutes long and contains all the required elements 10 Organization Ideas are disjointed and unclear; development of idea is vague; no order to presentation Ideas are loosely connected by examples; organization and flow are choppy Most information related to the ideas is presented a logical sequence; some examples and some transitions Ideas are clearly developed; uses specific, appropriate examples; skillful transitions; well ogranized 20 Content Ideas aren’t clear; does not provide support The beginning of some ideas; not clearly explored or supported or connected Sufficient material; many good points, but not entirely balanced and has little variation Good material that clearly related ideas; supports and explores idea; uses multiple sources 20 Creativity No real original idea; does not capture audience attention, no pictures or color Little original content; little engagement with audience, little use of pictures or color Some original content; some taking advantage of audience’s attention, some use of color and pictures Original presentation; captures audience’s attention, uses color and pictures and shows real effort 20 Speaking Skills Inaudible or too loud; rate is too slow or too fast; seems uninteresed; monotone Mumbling; lack of eye contact; uneven pace; little or no expression Clear on all points but not as polished as the exemplary student Poised; clear; articulate; volume; steady pacing; enthusiasm; confidence, made sufficient eye contact with audience 20 Participation One group member clearly dominates the presentation Very uneven distribution of speaking parts Most group members have equal time, one person left behind All group members share equal responsibility in presentation 10
IntroProcessEvaluation Conclusion Task I hope that by completing this WebQuest, you have learned a little about William Shakespeare. You should now have some background knowledge about the world in which he lived and wrote his plays. I hope that you will now look forward to reading Romeo and Juliet, as you will be able to use your newly gained knowledge to assist you in your comprehension of the play.