Metro Technology Centers Emphasizing Academics in the Career Tech Classroom
Metro Technology Centers Shared-time center Shared-time center Five campuses Five campuses 1,231 full-time students 1,231 full-time students 501 secondary 501 secondary 730 adults 730 adults 85 faculty 85 faculty Second year as a TCTW site Second year as a TCTW site
Most Successful Aspects of Emphasizing Academics (As reported by Instructional Leaders / Teachers) Have become more systematic in incorporating literacy Have become more systematic in incorporating literacy Students are earning credentials that reflect academic skills Students are earning credentials that reflect academic skills Academic teachers serve all students now by team teaching with CT teachers Academic teachers serve all students now by team teaching with CT teachers Math for credit teachers are teaching their state standard curriculum using examples from the CT program the students are attending Math for credit teachers are teaching their state standard curriculum using examples from the CT program the students are attending
Goals for Improving Academic Performance Goal: 10 % student gain in reading, writing and science taught within context of CT course Goal: 10 % student gain in reading, writing and science taught within context of CT course Actual: 29% student gain Actual: 29% student gain Goal: 10% increase in number of students achieving Career Readiness Certificates through Work Keys Goal: 10% increase in number of students achieving Career Readiness Certificates through Work Keys Actual: 206% increase (85 CRCs earned in ; 260 CRCs earned in ) Actual: 206% increase (85 CRCs earned in ; 260 CRCs earned in ) Goal: Average 1 level gain in core areas of KeyTrain (reading, math and locating information) Goal: Average 1 level gain in core areas of KeyTrain (reading, math and locating information) Actual: 1.28 level gain (6-8hours focused work results in a one level gain) Actual: 1.28 level gain (6-8hours focused work results in a one level gain)
Goals…. Goal: 10% increase in the number of competency tests being passed Goal: 10% increase in the number of competency tests being passed Actual: 14.2% increase Actual: 14.2% increase Goal: Attend all state-sponsored SREB workshops and cascade what is learned through our site development plan Goal: Attend all state-sponsored SREB workshops and cascade what is learned through our site development plan Actual: Representation at each workshop and with presentations by 15 faculty to multiple peer groups Actual: Representation at each workshop and with presentations by 15 faculty to multiple peer groups
Strategies KeyTrain (web-based training system) KeyTrain (web-based training system) MAX reading strategies (Cornell Notes, Flip chart notes, previewing, anticipation guides) MAX reading strategies (Cornell Notes, Flip chart notes, previewing, anticipation guides) Academic center teachers team teaching with CT teachers Academic center teachers team teaching with CT teachers Slowly changing faculty meetings to include more professional development / best practice sharing Slowly changing faculty meetings to include more professional development / best practice sharing Monetary incentive for both career tech and academic teachers who integrate academics Monetary incentive for both career tech and academic teachers who integrate academics
Addressing Challenges Rigor Students set SMART goals for learning and track their progress using quality tools Students set SMART goals for learning and track their progress using quality tools Students maintain classroom data centers and student note books to chart and monitor progress Students maintain classroom data centers and student note books to chart and monitor progress Notebooks include standardized set of tabs for Academic and CT goals, CTSO, Character First, and a Learning Journal Notebooks include standardized set of tabs for Academic and CT goals, CTSO, Character First, and a Learning Journal Students use a problem solving model (PDSA & fishbone) to address gaps in meeting their goals Students use a problem solving model (PDSA & fishbone) to address gaps in meeting their goals Identifying academic skill standards and grade level being taught within the CT curriculum (piloting at one campus this year) Identifying academic skill standards and grade level being taught within the CT curriculum (piloting at one campus this year)
Addressing Challenges Teacher Comfort Levels Consistently emphasize academics at district-wide in-service Consistently emphasize academics at district-wide in-service Invite faculty to share best practices at in-service and at faculty meetings Invite faculty to share best practices at in-service and at faculty meetings Two faculty are certified to provide peer support in using MAX teaching strategies Two faculty are certified to provide peer support in using MAX teaching strategies Starting small – document academic standards for one course Starting small – document academic standards for one course “The Seven Elements for a Math-in-CTE lesson plan (from the SREB numeracy workshop) helps teachers feel more comfortable in presenting new concepts to students” (from math and construction trades teachers) “The Seven Elements for a Math-in-CTE lesson plan (from the SREB numeracy workshop) helps teachers feel more comfortable in presenting new concepts to students” (from math and construction trades teachers) Attendance at SREB summer conference expands our thinking and our comfort levels Attendance at SREB summer conference expands our thinking and our comfort levels
Addressing Challenges Student Learning Styles Expanding blended learning Expanding blended learning eLearning (80% of faculty are using eLearn to teach at least part of one course this year) eLearning (80% of faculty are using eLearn to teach at least part of one course this year) Using interactive white boards to teach vocabulary, math, and scientific, construction and graphing calculators – very interactive and engaging instructional tool Using interactive white boards to teach vocabulary, math, and scientific, construction and graphing calculators – very interactive and engaging instructional tool Guidance staff surveyed students to identify barriers to learning and implemented strategies to address these barriers Guidance staff surveyed students to identify barriers to learning and implemented strategies to address these barriers 24 of 26 high priority needs identified were addressed through individual or group interventions 24 of 26 high priority needs identified were addressed through individual or group interventions Included very specific interventions to help students with disabilities to read more effectively Included very specific interventions to help students with disabilities to read more effectively
Lessons Learned Set realistic and measurable goals Set realistic and measurable goals Recognize small successes of both students and faculty Recognize small successes of both students and faculty “Issue a challenge and involve teachers in creating methods to achieve the challenge; then express confidence teachers can do this” “Issue a challenge and involve teachers in creating methods to achieve the challenge; then express confidence teachers can do this” Be systematic but flexible – what works on one campus or in one course / cluster may not work with another Be systematic but flexible – what works on one campus or in one course / cluster may not work with another
Denise Kennemer Camilla Riley Metro Technology Centers 1900 Springlake Drive Oklahoma City, OK