Lorne Park Public School Lorne Park Public School Technology School Success Plan 2003/2004 Learning Technologies Institute August 2003
Introducing Our Tech Team-2003 Caring and Learning Together
Our Mission... At Lorne Park Public School, all learners including students, staff and community, will work together in a caring environment to achieve their personal best as independent learners in their quest for life-long learning.
Caring and Learning Together b Vision to Goals
Our Vision... Improving School Climate through Respect and Responsibility Collaboration on Effective Writing Instruction and Assessment Across the Curriculum 3 3 Improving Teacher Practices and Student Learning through the Use of Technology
Our Technology Goals b b To improve efficiency in communication through the use of technology To develop cross-curricular, technological literacy through school-wide program development and implementation To improve student learning through familiarity and comfort in using computers as a communication tool to enhance all learning
How we Develop our Plan...
Our Smart Goals IMPROVE STUDENT WRITING THROUGH USE OF Students will improve typing skills “All the Right Type” Timed Test Student Graphs Own Progress Students type s efficiently File keyboarding achievement graphs in portfolio
Our Smart Goals IMPROVE STUDENT WRITING THROUGH USE OF Teachers Facilitate Use of “All the Right Type” Monitor Student Progress Monitor Keyboarding Technique through Observation and Data Teachers ensure student completion of tasks Use of achievement graphs to assess individual and whole-group needs
Our Smart Goals IMPROVE STUDENT WRITING THROUGH USE OF Administrator Facilitate, Supervise, and Monitor Initiative Evidence of teacher growth as shown in ALP and Long Term Plans Evidence of student growth as shown in report card evaluation Ensure teacher completion of tasks Ensure student completion of tasks
Thanks for the inspiration The End
Kudos to …. Bill Thompson and Björn Schade for their encouragement and technical expertise!!