Professional Learning Communities A school-wide approach to ensure that all students learn
10/25/2015Bowie High School2 PLC’s Definition: “…A Professional Learning Community is a collaboration of teachers, administrators, parents, and students who work together to seek out the best practices, test them in the classroom, continuously improve processes, and focus on results.” Rick DuFour, 2002.
10/25/2015Bowie High School3 PLC’s Fundamental Assumptions 1. We can make a difference: Our schools can be more effective. 2. Improving our people is the key to improving our schools. 3. Significant school improvement will impact teaching and learning.
10/25/2015Bowie High School4 PLC’s One Thing One Thing The ONE thing about a Professional Learning Community is that learning, rather than teaching, is the fundamental purpose of your school.
10/25/2015Bowie High School5 PLC’s 1. Focus on Learning What do we want students to learn? What do we want students to learn? How will we know if they have learned? How will we know if they have learned? What will we do if they don’t learn? What will we do if they don’t learn? What will we do if they already know it? What will we do if they already know it?
10/25/2015Bowie High School6 PLC’s How will we know if they have learned? What will we do to assist students who have not learned? What will we do with students who have learned? What do we want students to learn?
10/25/2015Bowie High School7 PLC’s 1. Focus on Learning 2. Build a Collaborative Culture no school can help all students achieve at high levels if teachers work in isolation no school can help all students achieve at high levels if teachers work in isolation Schools improve when teachers are given time and support to work together to clarify essential student learning, develop common assessments, analyze evidence of student learning, and use that evidence to learn from one another Schools improve when teachers are given time and support to work together to clarify essential student learning, develop common assessments, analyze evidence of student learning, and use that evidence to learn from one another
10/25/2015Bowie High School8 PLC’s 1. Focus on Learning 2. Build a Collaborative Culture 3. Focus on Results PLC’s measure their effectiveness on the basis of results rather than intentions PLC’s measure their effectiveness on the basis of results rather than intentions All programs, policies, and practices are continually assessed on the basis of their impact on student learning All programs, policies, and practices are continually assessed on the basis of their impact on student learning All staff member receive relevant and timely information on their effectiveness in achieving intended results All staff member receive relevant and timely information on their effectiveness in achieving intended results
10/25/2015Bowie High School9 PLC’s 1. Focus on Learning 2. Build a Collaborative Culture 3. Focus on Results Katy ISD: Cinco Ranch Katy ISD: Cinco Ranch
10/25/2015Bowie High School10 Handouts Cultural Shifts in a Professional Learning Community Cultural Shifts in a Professional Learning Community The Professional Learning Community Continuum The Professional Learning Community Continuum Critical Issues for Team Consideration Critical Issues for Team Consideration Questions to Guide the Work of Your Professional Learning Community Questions to Guide the Work of Your Professional Learning Community Team SMART Goal-setting Plan, Worksheet, and Sample Team SMART Goal-setting Plan, Worksheet, and Sample
10/25/2015Bowie High School11 PLC’s Steps to Success Jump In Jump In start anywhere; somewhere; NOW start anywhere; somewhere; NOW Establish Norms Establish Norms Align the Curriculum Align the Curriculum Create Common Assessments Create Common Assessments formative; summative; not necessarily tests formative; summative; not necessarily tests Analyze and Use the Results Analyze and Use the Results Reteach and Enrich Reteach and Enrich Do It All Over Again Do It All Over Again
10/25/2015Bowie High School12 PLC’s Questions? All Things PLC All Things PLC