Why must we do Data Teams? We know the implementation of DT benefit STUDENTS -helps teachers identify exceeding/proficient students and plan for targeted instruction -helps teachers identify struggling students and plan for instruction We know the implementation of DT benefit TEACHERS -provides teachers with an effective tool that helps streamline the process for data analysis and gives a structure for action planning and monitoring results COMPLIANCE -required in the State’s Strategic Plan, Goal 1 -KMR Given ( schools will use Data Teams and close the achievement gap)
What are Data Teams? Data Teams are a model for continuous, collaborative action that inspires and empowers professionals to improve teaching, learning and leadership for all.
Data Teams are… Small grade-level or department teams that examine individual student work generated from Common Formative Assessments Collaborative, structured, scheduled meetings that focus on the effectiveness of teaching and learning
Data Team Actions “Data Teams adhere to continuous improvement cycles, examine patterns and trends, and establish specific timelines, roles, and responsibilities to facilitate analysis that results in action.” White, 2005
Data Team Expectations & Norms When? Weekly articulation time How long should this take? 45 minutes (you have 90) What materials do I bring? Data, assessments, computer, forms etc. What should be completed before I get there? Step 1 in the 6 step process Where? I building Participation… ALL….own all students!
How are PLCs different from Data Teams? PLCs are WHO we are Data Teams are WHAT we do
Critical questions that guide a PLC/Data Team- PLC’s look at: 1. What are students supposed to know and be able to do? 2. How do we know when our students have learned? 3. How do we respond when students haven’t learned? 4. How do we respond when students already know the content? Data Teams look at: 1.Priority Standards 2. Common Formative Assessments 3. Intervention 4. Differentiation
How is this different from what we already do? Not very different…we already function as a PLC and we analyze student data regularly Nothing new, just deeper Streamline our current practice
Data Team Key Points Key Point 1: We can always improve the functioning of our Data Teams, which in turn improves instruction. Key Point 2: The students a Data Team focuses on are “our kids.” The team shares responsibility for all students.
Data Team Key Points Key Point 3: A Data Team focuses on variables within their control. Key Point 4: A Data Team spends time on significant learning outcomes, directly linked to the school’s improvement plan.
Data Team Prerequisites Before you can do the 6 steps you’ll need a common understanding and a common starting point.
Data Team Prerequisites You’ll need a common understanding of what data teams look at. Data teams look at causes not effects.
Data Team Prerequisites Cause Data: information based on the actions of adults in the system. Effect Data: information that shows student achievement from various measures.
Data Team Prerequisites Common Starting Point: Common standards (Power Standards) Common formative assessment Common scoring guide Common understanding & starting point give laser like focus to the data team.
Data Team 6 Step Process
Step 1: Collect and Chart Data Data is assembled per each teacher prior to meeting. Data includes student work samples from the assessment being reviewed. Results include number, percentage, and names of students at multiple performance levels (for ex., proficient, close to proficient, need intervention). Data is disaggregated by grade-level standard if multiple standards are included on the assessment.
Step 2: Analyze to Prioritize Inferences are based on direct analysis of student work. Team goes beyond labeling the need or the “what” to infer the “why” or root causes. Analysis includes comparison of student work samples to targeted “unwrapped” standards. Strengths and needs identified are within the direct influence of teachers. Strengths and needs are identified for each "performance group.“ Needs are prioritized to reflect those areas that will have largest impact within subject area.
Step 3: Set SMART Goals Establish, review, or revise goal(s). Specific: targeted subject area, grade level, and student Measurable area of need is established; assessment to be used is identified. Achievable gains in student learning are based on consideration of current performance. Relevant goal(s) address needs of students and are aligned with School Improvement Plan. Time frame is established for learning to occur, and assessment is given.
Step 4: Select Instructional Strategies Strategies directly target the prioritized needs. Team agrees on research-based strategies that will have greatest impact. Strategies chosen will modify teachers’ instructional practice. Strategies describe actions of the adults. Team describes strategies for each performance group, if applicable. Descriptions of strategies are specific enough to allow for replication (i.e., implementation, frequency, duration, resources).
Step 5: Determine Results Indicators Results indicators are created for each selected strategy. Indicators describe what the teacher will be doing when the strategy is being implemented. Indicators describe what the students will be doing when the strategy is being implemented. Indicators describe the anticipated change in student performance if the strategy is having the desired impact.
Step 6: Monitor and Evaluate Review student work samples that provide evidence of strategy implementation. Describe implementation of the strategy. Adjust strategies if necessary. Support each other in the use of the strategy through specific dialogue, modeling, planning. Check lesson planning and pacing with each other.
Roll out plan- December 5 th, 1:00 pm for all teachers- How to webinar with Steve Ventura on “Identifying Power Standards (PS)”. Dec 12- gr 3-5 sub day (Shawn, Ann, Cora facilitate) -Identify power standards in reading -vertical alignment of PS in reading with grades 3-5 -Begin data team process using student work from D8. Focus in on Step 4, instructional strategies *Semester 2- use data teams process each week Dec 13- gr K-2 sub day (Shawn, Ann, Cora facilitate) -Identify power standards in reading and math -vertical alignment of PS in reading and math *Quarter 3- complete ID of power standards *Quarter 4- begin using data team process each week