Smart goal By the end of the all students will show growth in the areas of Kindergarten Readiness as evidenced by the COR scores and Brigance scores.
Class Training- May 8 th Engage New York June 4 th with follow up Infant toddler Institute July 25 th Minds in Motion August 7 th
Home based nurturers will increase their effectiveness of their home visits as evidence by HVORS (home visitor rating scale) Increase knowledge of federal regulation Understand how ERSEA impacts all services
By the end of school year all students will show growth in on-demand writing. Each student will improve by 1 or more levels on the on-demand writing rubric. In addition, 75% of all students will score proficient or above (3 or 4) on the on-demand rubric by the end of the year.
All staff will read the book A Guide to the Common Core Writing Workshop. April 15 th - May 27 th ½ Day Writing PD-Exploration and Understanding of Writing Units June 4 th All staff will read the book Writing Pathways: Performance Assessments and Learning Progressions & blog using Edmodo summer 2015
Writing PD-Writing Framework for the Year, First Writing Unit and Baseline On-Demand Scrimmages All classroom teachers will implement Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Writing Writing Lab Classrooms & Observations Staff Meeting Mini-PDs on Writing
By the end of school year all students will show growth in math per STAR testing. In addition, 75% of all students in each grade level will be proficient according to STAR testing.
Engage New York Math Training Math PD- Curriculum Developing and Mapping Staff Meeting Mini-PDs based on the book Elementary & Middle School Mathematics Math Lab Classrooms and Observations PLC Curriculum Developing and Mapping
Smart Goal 1: By the end of school year, all students will show growth in literacy as measured by STAR testing and the KDE adapted rubric. In addition, 70% of all students in each grade level will be proficient as measured by STAR testing and the KDE adapted rubric.
PD- Vocabulary PD-Writing-Exploration and Understanding of Writing Units PD- Small group guided reading and best practices in literacy. Literacy PD-Literacy Framework for the Year, First Literacy Units Book Study Word Nerds.
Literacy Peer Observations Job Embedded PD
Smart Goal 2: By the end of school year, all students will show growth in math as measured by STAR testing. In addition, 70% of all students in each grade level will be proficient as measured by STAR testing. Engage New York Math Training Math PD- Curriculum Development and Mapping Job Embedded PD Math Peer Observations PLC- Planning, Curriculum Development and Mapping
Smart goal 100% of all students at CCMS will complete all assignments. Power of ICU – June 1 st June 15 th
70% of students in grades 6-8 will score proficient on the K-Prep on demand and reading assessment. Louisville Writing Project June 2 nd -June 4 th Vocabulary Emphasis
Mathematical Practices, Concrete- Representational- Abstract Engage New York June 2 nd - June 4th
Leader in Me Leadership roles will be charted in each classroom and in the school to determine percentages.
Differentiated PD for Encore Team members.
Smart Goal 1 Carroll County High School will learn about “The Power of ICU” and develop a plan to implement the program by August 12 in order to reduce the number of students with missing assignments for the school year. June 1 st - with middle school 6-4 planning (half day) 7-23 planning day (half day)
Curriculum- Assessments will be created using Backwards design to address standards. Curriculum – Math Department-Work with Engage New York to learn the curriculum and plan implementation.