EOC Review Rotation The Biology Department North Iredell High School Pamela Bowman, Scott Childers, and Jennifer Trent
The SIP SMART goal: Biology scores will increase from 65.1% ( ) to 70.1% ( ).
First (and Most Important) Step -From PLC -From administration -From students -From parents
Review Rotation – How We Did It Planning Phase We decided who would teach what SCOS goal(s). We designated 9 days at the end of the semester for review. Goal 3 Ms. Bowman Goal 4 Mr. Childers Goals 2 and 5 Ms. Trent
Review Rotation – How We Did It Planning Phase Each teacher prepared a study guide and assessment for his/her goal based on the curriculum support guide for biology. We (purposely) divided our classes into three groups and mixed the students with students from the other biology classes.
Review Rotation – How We Did It Implementation We handed rotation schedules out to students: We taught our first group for 3 days, then sent the group to their next rotation stop. During the 3 days, we discussed our study guide and gave a short assessment. DatesTeacherRoom NumberGoals to be covered May 23, 24, 25TrentG1172, 5 May 26, 30, 31BowmanG1153 June 1, 2, 3ChildersG1014
Review Rotation – How We Did It Follow-Up Remediation We offered remediation and retesting for those who wanted to come back afterschool or during E-block. Exam Review Nights Two nights prior to the exam we host a parent/student review night. We use released exam questions to cover content and test-taking strategies. Student Surveys Students were given a survey so that we could gather their suggestions about the rotation schedule.
Review Rotation – The Results Revisit of goals: 65% to 70% proficiency The official results: 78.3% proficiency #1 in county
Review Rotation – The Results Student Opinion: “I only had to think about 2 questions on the test. The rest was covered in the review sessions.” – Jordan, former biology student
Review Rotation – Why It Works Each teacher knew their goal very well and was not stressed to cover everything. Mix of classes – problem students separated. Different teaching styles – some did activities, some did review questions, etc. We took student comments to heart and made improvements.
Review Rotation – Things to consider Teacher schedules – Sometimes we would have to tweak the rotation if a teacher was not available during a class period) It gets boring teaching the same material. A lot of planning and work! We sometimes gave up our planning period. We have to rely on other teachers to present review material! (professionalism)
Comments, Questions, and Suggestions? Open Discussion (Our “Plus/Delta/Issue Bin”)