The Czech national research programme on cultural heritage and European integration Zuzana Bauerová Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic Miloš Drdácký Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Research programmes of the Ministry of culture National R&D policy National R&D policy Lisbon strategy (sustainable development and social inclusion) Action plan for Europe R&D Act No. 130/2002 National Research Programme (valid until 2009) Priorities: Human resources International cooperation Regional aspect R&D in use R&D evaluation Some priority areas: Some priority areas: Information and knowledge based society Life quality and safeness New materials and technologies
Research programmes of the Ministry of culture The R&D Council The R&D Council Advisory council to the government of the Czech Republic Article 2 (Government ResolutionNo. 82 (19/1/2005): Scope of Responsibilities ( 1 ) The Council shall draw up long-term fundamental trends and schemes for the development of research and development in the Czech Republic through its advisory bodies, which have been established as expert commissions involved in the respective trends of research and development; process regular annual analyses and assessments of the research and development situation in the Czech Republic, compare them with foreign countries and submit the findings to the Government; develop a mid-term draft forecast for research and development support and estimate the total costs of research and development covered from individual budget chapters and propose their allocation; assess opinions concerning research and development documents submitted to the Government, conduct negotiations with the advisory bodies of the European Communities on research and development and with the research and development councils of the individual Member States of the European Communities but also other countries; act as administrator and operator and approve the rules for the operation of the Research and Development Information System, propose to the Government to appoint and/or remove the Chair and other members of the Board of the Czech Republic Grant Agency, fulfil any other tasks and duties set forth in the Act on the Support of Research and Development and special legal regulations, or those imposed by the Government.
Coordination Centre for R&D at the Ministry of Culture Coordination Centre for R&D at the Ministry of Culture advisory body of the R&D Council in matters of culture and cultural heritage Draw-up departmental conception and its realization Set-up departmental programmes Fulfillment of priorities Act as administrator and operator and approve the rules for the operation Research programmes of the Ministry of culture
4 programmes: Research and evaluation of cultural and historical values, sustainability tools and research of traditional culture as integral part of intangible cultural heritage Access to the cultural heritage resources and their preservation Research and documentation of musical, theater and artistic resources, literature history, theory and critics, analytical and social circumstances of culture and audiovisual masmedia Testimony of czech, moravian and silesian museums and galleries Research programmes of the Ministry of culture
∑ In ths. CZK 12,4943,8548,44610,54511,3352,92939,603 22,0463,5459,00015,00012,0002,49544,086 32,0463,5453,5733,873 3,37620,286 42,0466,1508,2319,2829,4429,20044,351 ∑8,63217,09429,25038,70036,65018,000148,326
Analysis of existing state of R&D in CZ and a comparison with the situation abroad total expenditure (% of GDP)
Analysis of existing state of R&D in CZ and a comparison with the situation abroad share of foreign funds in total R&D expenditure (in %)
Analysis of existing state of R&D in CZ and a comparison with the situation abroad share of public funds in total R&D expenditure (in%)