Grasslands Gary B., Norm B., Marissa B.
Where is ecosystem located? North and South America Africa and Asia Europe and Australia Everywhere but Antarctica
Describe the abiotic factors of your ecosystem Temperature is usually 75 degrees F Soil is fertile Grasslands receive from 25 to 39 inches of rain during the year
Producer: Grass. How does your producer rely on other organisms in the prairie/grasslands to survive? Earthworms, beetles, bacteria, and fungi break down dead plants and animals-recycle nutrients Wind spreads seeds – more grass grows Fires clear area of young or bushes that could block sunlight from the grass
How do other organisms of your ecosystem rely on your producer to survive? Prairie Dogs, Kangaroo Rats, Ferrets, Skunks, Bobcats, Pocket Mice, Burrowing Owls, American Badgers, and Gophers are some of the animals that need burrows for shelter Grass provides food for Cattle, Bison, Elk, and insects
How do humans affect your ecosystem? Large parts of Grasslands get plowed for farms People go on safaris to shoot lions and other large animals Native Americans started and controlled fires for good nutrients People collect grass seeds to replant grass
Choose one biotic or abiotic factor in your ecosystem & describe how a change in one of these could your ecosystem. Change: If you take away bull snakes Rodents and birds would overpopulate Worms would decrease Decomposing would be slower
Other interesting facts: Grasslands have very little trees and bushes There are a lot of different types of grass North American grasslands are called prairies
Sources Used Stille, Darlene R. A True Book Grasslands. New York, CT: Children's Press, Print. Stille, Darlene R. A True Book Grasslands. New York, CT: Children's Press, Print. Allaby, Michael. Biomes Of The World. Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational, Print. Patent, Dorothy H. Life In a Grassland. Minneapolis, MN: Lerner Publications Company, Print.