Asthma & Indoor Air Quality Workshop National Environmental Health Association Washington DC, February 18-20, 2004
Indoor Environmental Quality: Defining The Problem
Why should you be interested in IAQ? n Regulatory actions n Civil lawsuits n Employee productivity n Employee satisfaction n Worker compensation claims n Insurance costs l Mold related claims increasing dramatically
Liability n Over 9,000 toxic mold and mildew-related suits filed in U.S. & Canada over past 10 years. l $8,000,000,000 class action suit in New York l $32,000,000 award to Texas homeowner. l $18,500,000 award to California homeowner. n Not only a concern, but precedents have been established.
Range of Symptom Complaints Found in 14 Metro Schools Low SchoolHigh School Headache22%69% Nasal29%54% Sinus Cong.20%42% Sinus Inf.4%31% Eye Irritation22%31% Sore Throat16%27% Hoarseness18%23% Runny Nose10%38% Fatigue22%31%
Possible causes of the increase in IAQ complaints? n Lower ventilation rates n Non-opening windows n Interior offices n Media attention n Microchemophobia n Less “natural” indoor environment
“Mythconceptions” n Tight buildings cause indoor air pollution. n Opening windows will help IAQ problems. n Plants and a “natural environment’ will reduce IAQ problems. n Carbon dioxide is a major cause of IAQ problems.
Indoor Pollutant Levels n Levels are times higher indoors. n Some activities substantially increase indoor pollutants. l Remodeling, print shops, copy machines, etc. n New buildings may have VOC levels that may be 100 times higher than outside.
IAQ Definitions Building Related Illness vs. Sick Building Syndrome Sick Building Syndrome
Building Related Illness n A set of symptoms that can result in a specific diagnosis by a physician. n Examples: l Hypersensitivity pneumonitis l Occupational asthma l Legionella l Tuberculosis
Causes of Building Related Illness n Chemical exposures l Isocyanates F Paints l Methacrylates F Carpets l Cleaning agents. n Bioaerosol exposures l Legionella, molds, bacteria, viruses l Insects (cockroach, dust mites, etc) l Pets (dogs, cats, and birds)
Sick Building Syndrome n A set of general symptoms or complaints that defy a specific diagnosis but seem to be related to a specific building. n Large number of workers complaining of symptoms in a building. l ASHRAE used to use guideline of 20%
Typical SBS Symptoms n Mucous membrane irritation n Eye irritation n Upper respiratory symptoms l Cough and sneezing n Systemic symptoms l Headache and fatigue n Other: rash, hearing difficulty
Sources of IAQ Pollutants n Outdoor pollution n Indoor pollution n Building material off-gassing n Inadequate ventilation l Design l Maintenance l During renovations
Outdoor Pollution n Vehicle exhaust n Ventilation system exhaust placement n Ventilation system intake placement n Construction activity n Outdoor air pollution
Indoor Pollution n Cleaning compounds n Photocopy machines n Manufacturing processes n Smoking policies n Construction n Humidity or water infiltration l Mold
Building Material Off-Gassing n Formaldehyde from wood products n VOC’s from carpeting n Paint odors n Fiberglass materials n Glues
Inadequate Ventilation n Inadequate pre-filtration or dehumidification n Poor maintenance n Inadequate outdoor air n Poor distribution n Lack of local exhaust for processes l Accumulation of moisture and other vapors n Uncontrolled entry of unconditioned air l Moisture l Particulates