Mary Sobba Agriculture Business Specialist Using Spreadsheets in Agriculture
What is a spreadsheet A program that uses a computer to perform numeric calculations rapidly and accurately. It has a worksheet area divided into rows and columns. The intersection where they meet is called a cell. A cell can contain numbers, text or a forumula.
Types Quattro Pro by Corel Excel by Microsoft Works by Microsoft Lotus by Lotus
Why Excel? Universal Popular Can open many types of files
Potential Uses Equipment Inventory Balance Sheet Amortization Field Records Ratio Calculations Grain Inventory Breakeven Analysis Lease vs. Purchase Budgeting Machinery Economics and more
Spreadsheets Can… Solve math equations Sort numeric or alphabetic Chart data
Where to find spreadsheets FAST tools MU AgEBB –(then click on File Sharing) Other Universities Build your own Becareful where you download! You want a reputable source.
Questions? Mary Sobba (573)