ASAP RDF SGP RDF 1.2 and 1.3 Transfer of Information
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 RDF ASAP SGP- Introduction ASAP – Availability Stats and Performance Network, system & application monitoring through states and metrics User interface is though a Windows GUI, NSK CI & EMS event generation Standard subsystem monitoring included with ASAP product (CPU, Disk, Expand, Spooler, TMF, etc.) Highly extensible through published APIs enabling user written SGPs (Stats Gathering Processes) to be written RDF monitoring provided by an SGP developed by RDF development and released with RDF/IMPX 1.3 (ASAPRDF) ASAP 2.0 release includes the required support for the RDF SGP
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 ASAP RDF SGP Architecture Monitor RDF Primary node Extractor Receiver Purger Updater ASAPCOLASAPMON Stats D/B ASAP Client ASAPMON ASAPRDF ASAPMON ASAPRDF RDF Backup node ASAP Collection node
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 Configuring ASAPRDF ASAPRDF is distributed with the rest of the RDF product No configuration changes are required to the RDF environment to enable ASAP support RDF monitoring is enabled through the ASAP CI using the SET command e.g. SET RDF ON, OBJECT $SYSTEM.RDF.ASAPRDF, PARAMETERS “RATE 10“ starts RDF monitoring with status being collected every 10 minutes ASAP SGPs are persistent programs automatically restarted by the ASAP monitor By default the SGP will auto discover each RDF subsystem on the local node Auto discovery can be overridden using the MONITOR command in the CI e.g. MONITOR RDF RDF05->RDF07
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 Autodiscovery At startup the SGP attempts to auto discover all the RDF environments on the local node Search $SYSTEM for all CONFIG files with a code of 721 (T5864 config files are ignored based on the key length of the config file) Clean up any old environments before you start ! SGP keeps an internal table of all the environments it finds Control subvol, backup node and primary/backup flag are stored for each environment New RDF environments being added or old ones being removed require the SGP to be stopped/started to refresh the table and allow monitoring to take place
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 Gathering and reporting RDF status The ASAP Monitor triggers the SGP to report status based on the time interval specified in the SET RDF command The SGP works through the RDF subsystem table and sends a status message to each RDF process in the subsystem on that node Primary reports status of the Monitor & Extractor(s) Backup reports status of the Receiver(s), Image trails, Purger and Updaters The status is the same as the information obtained through an RDFCOM STATUS RDF command (the same messages are used) ASAP allows each piece of information to be ‘ranked’ against user defined ‘objectives’ before it is passed to the collector (out of scope of this TofI) Rankable values are error, RTD time, primary and backup CPUs and priority Status information for all the subsystems on the node are passed back to the ASAP collector
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 ASAP CI RDF Command RDF [/out /] [\* ] [[.] * ] [, ] [\ ] [[.] ] where options is one or more of: CPUDisplays RDF domain/metric values in the specified CPU DETAIL Displays RDF Metric values based on FORMAT command settings. SAMPLES Number of samples to display. STATE Displays RDF Metric values and their objective states. TIME Show stats starting at a time other than the current time. VOLUME Displays the associated disk volumes. +rdf \rdf06,detail \RDF06 Domain\Name\Hierarchy Status Date Time Error RTDTime PCpu BCpu Pri Rdf05->Rdf06\Imagetrail\$Data12 Running 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Imagetrail\$Data13 Running 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Imagetrail\$Data14 Running 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Purger\$R5pg Running 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Receiver\$R5r0 Running 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Receiver\$R5r1 Running 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Receiver\$R5r2 Running 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Updater\$R5u0 Updt off 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Updater\$R5u1 Updt off 9/27 9:28 0 0:00: Rdf05->Rdf06\Updater\$R5u2 Updt off 9/27 9:28 0 0:00:
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 States reported The following RDF process states can be reported by the SGP: Running Stopped Aborted Updt Off TKOver active TKOver complete TKOver part comp
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 Program structure Subsystem specific code is embedded within a standard SGP shell Shell code comes from the ASAP product T0402 The ASAP monitor sends a message to the SGP when the timer pops, the shell invokes the subsystem specific procedure process^stat^sum^request to collect and report the status info
© 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation. October 1, 2001 RDF T-of-I for Versions 1.2 and 1.3 Troubleshooting Check correct versions of ASAP and RDF (RDF IMP V1.3 only works with ASAP V2.0. ASAP 2.1 compatible IPM to follow) Check RDF SGP is actually running on both the RDF primary and backup nodes If no stats are being reported, check RDF status with RDFCOM from the RDF primary system using STATUS RDF If autodiscovery is being used find all the code 721 RDF CONFIG files FILEINFO $SYSTEM.*.CONFIG This will show the environments that should be reporting stats If using MONITOR RDF for specific RDF environments check what is being monitored with MONITOR RDF, LIST Manually stopping the $ N process will cause it to be re- started and re-autodiscover