VPO Troubleshooting
[vpo_troubleshooting] 2 VPO Troubleshooting Section Overview Possible Trouble Areas Filesystem structures Management Server logfiles Troubleshooting process Scenarios VPO Trace facility
[vpo_troubleshooting] 3 VPO Troubleshooting Possible Trouble Areas Interceptor/ Encapsulator rpcd VPO Agent Processes Managed node VPO Manager Processes Managed server rpcd DB ipmap “Message processing”“Networking” “Database” “GUIs” “Processes”“Installation” “Applications” “OpenView” DCE RPC Templates Logfiles registration
[vpo_troubleshooting] 4 VPO Troubleshooting Filesystem Structure - Binaries /opt/OV ” libbinmanOpC newconfig OpC install opcinfoopcsvinfo VPO binaries contained here for Server and Nodes Configuration files for Node and Server
[vpo_troubleshooting] 5 VPO Troubleshooting Filesystem Structure - Config data /etc/opt/OV/share registration symbolslrfconf OpC mgmt_sv Application registration files
[vpo_troubleshooting] 6 VPO Troubleshooting Filesystem Structure - Runtime data /var/opt/OV/ log shareconftmp OpC mgmt_sv OpCdatabases OpC tmp OpC opcerror (Managed Node) opcerror (Mgmt Server) OV Maps & VPO configuration scripts Management Server queues and pipes & distrib area Managed Node VPO download config data files Managed Node queues and pipes bin OpC Managed Node distribution area
[vpo_troubleshooting] 7 VPO Troubleshooting Management Server Logfiles $ORACLE_HOME rdbms log alert_openview.log dbwr_20629.trc /var/opt/OV/log/OpC/mgmt_sv opcerror install.log inst_sum.log inst_err.log opcsw_inst.log opcsw_inst_err.log
[vpo_troubleshooting] 8 VPO Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Process Note the precise details of the problem Check the Error Message Reference Manual or run opcerr Check the VPO Administrators Reference Manual Run itochecker Check through the rest of this module Use the VPO tracing option Check the HP Web site for support information Call the HP Response Center
[vpo_troubleshooting] 9 VPO Troubleshooting Agent/Server Installation & Runtime Examples of problems –“The Management Server will not start” –“The Managed Node processes will not start” –“The VPO Oracle database returns errors” –“My VPO backups aren’t working” –“I keep getting communication errors to the nodes”
[vpo_troubleshooting] 10 VPO Troubleshooting Windows and Messages Examples of problems –“My operators can’t login to Java/Motif GUI” –“A message was supposed to arrive in my browser….it didn’t!!” –“I get duplicate messages in my browser” –“Batches of old messages keep arriving in my browser”
[vpo_troubleshooting] 11 VPO Troubleshooting Distribution Examples of problems –“A distribution error message keeps appearing in my browser” –“I distributed new config, but the messages are in the old format” –“I created a new template, did a distribution and…...nothing!!”
[vpo_troubleshooting] 12 VPO Troubleshooting Actions, Commands and Monitors Examples of problems –“Automatic Actions keep failing” –“Some Actions will not stop running” –“Some of the operators can’t run their applications” –“My new monitor is giving me weird errors” –“One of my monitors can’t start because the previous one is still running”
[vpo_troubleshooting] 13 VPO Troubleshooting When all else fails…..trace! OPC_TRACE TRUE OPC_TRACE_AREA MSG, ACTN OPC_TRACE_TRUNC FALSE VPO agent processes opcagt -trace or opcagt -start Managed node OPC_TRACE TRUE OPC_TRACE_AREA MSG, ACTN OPC_TRACE_TRUNC FALSE VPO manager processes opcsv -trace or opcsv -start Management server /var/opt/OV/tmp/OpC/trace /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/opcinfo /var/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC/mgmt_sv/trace /opt/OV/bin/OpC/install/opcsvinfo