HOW MANY SIG FIGS ? sig fig Zeros are place holders 2 sig fig Zeros are place holders 4 sig fig Zeros are between sig figs 4 sig fig Zeros are exact zeros
HOW MANY SIG FIGS ? sig fig Zeros are between sig figs 5 sig fig Last zero is exact and others are in between 4 sig fig Zeros are exact zeros 3 sig fig Bar makes place holders significant
Rounding to Sig Figs 1 sig fig 3 sig fig 5 sig fig 7 sig fig Need the bar to make the place holder significant
1.55 x 10 6 nm = km This is just a metric conversion ---- always 2 steps x 10 6 nm Start with what you’re given: One step to the BASE unit, meters: One step to the desired unit, kilometers: xx nm m 1x km 1x10 3 m 1.55x10 -6 km 3 sig figs
Tg = g This is just a metric conversion ---- always 2 steps Tg Start with what you’re given: One step to the BASE unit, grams: One step to the desired unit, micrograms: xx Tg g 1x gg 1x10 -6 g 9.3x10 11 g 2 sig figs
8.5 x Ml = ml This is just a metric conversion ---- always 2 steps. 8.5 x Ml Start with what you’re given: One step to the BASE unit, liters: One step to the desired unit, milliliters: xx Ml l 1x ml 1x10 -3 l 8.5x ml Or you could use this for last fraction 1000 ml 1 l 2 sig figs
8 gallons = liters Gallons is an English unit and liters is a metric unit - determine what Metric-English conversion will work (from box at top of homework) 8 gal Start with what you’re given: xx gal qt l 1qt liters 1 sig figs 30 liters
5.75 x s = years 5.75 x10 15 s Start with what you’re given: Keep converting to bigger units of time until you get to years: x x s min hr 60 min 1.82x10 8 yr x x 1 1 daysyr hr days sig figs
500 ml/min = qt/hr This has 2 dimensions. Convert ml to qt and min to hr Start with what you’re given: ml is on top Min on bottom x ml l 1x qt hr 31.9 qt/hr xx 500 ml min.94l 60 min 1 1 sig figs 30 qt/hr
9 in 2 = cm 2 9 in 2 Start with what you’re given: Need 2 factors of inches to cancel inches squared x in cm x cm 1in cm 2 1 sig figs 60 cm 2