Unit Conversion and the Scientific Method
The Metric System The Metric System is based on multiples of 10 Units can easily be converted into one another Prefixes in front of units are typically kilo, hecto, deka, deci, centi, and milli
The Staircase
Moving the Decimal Place Convert 1 centimeter into kilometers Convert 2 meters into millimeters
The Scientific Method The method that all scientists use to conduct experiments The goal is to solve a problem or to better understand an observed event
Step 1:Ask a Question The first step to any experiment is to ask a question Example: Why does it get warmer in a room when there are a lot of people in it?
Step 2: Form a Hypothesis A hypothesis is a proposed answer to a question You are predicting what will happen It can be tested Example: The temperature of the room will increase when more people are in the room.
Step 3: Test Your Hypothesis Set up a controlled experiment to test your hypothesis Manipulated Variable: The variable that causes a change in another Responding Variable: The variable that changes in response to the manipulated variable
Test Your Hypothesis Cont. “ We will test our hypothesis by putting different amounts of people in the same size room at a same starting temperature for 45 minutes and measure the temperature at the 45 minute mark.” Manipulated Variable: The amount of people Also known as the Independent Variable Responding Variable: The temperature Also known as the Dependent Variable
Step 4: Analyze Data Collect data from your experiment in an organized way Usually in tables or graphs Does the data support the hypothesis? If yes, continue to step 5 If no, repeat the experiment or conduct a different one
Step 5: Develop a Theory (Conclusion) A well tested explanation for a set of observations To be proven, a theory must always be true