Rotary and Form 990N Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax
Before Filing Each Club must have its own EIN
Who Must File? Although a ‘Subordinate Organization’ of Rotary International Each Club must file its own return
Which Form? Form 990? Form 990EZ? Form 990N?
Form 990 Normal Annual Gross Receipts ≥ $200,000 Or Total Assets ≥ $500,000
Form 990EZ $50,000 $200,000
Form 990N Normal Annual Gross Receipts ≤ $50,000
A Definition Gross Receipts – amounts pledged or given to the club during the accounting year
Another Definition Normal Annual Gross Receipts ≤ $50,000 3 conditions 1. In existence for ≤ 1 year & gross receipts ≤ $75, In existence 1 to 3 years & average gross receipts ≤ $60, In existence for at least 3 years and average gross receipts ≤ $50,000 for immediately preceding 3 years
Rotary Club of Big Small Town Organized September 5, 2012 Received Cash$70,000 Other Property 1,000 $71,000
Rotary Club of Big Small Town In existence less than 1 year Normal Annual Gross Receipts ≤ $75,000 Files 990N
Paradise Evening Rotary Club Organized June 11, 2011 Gross Receipts 2011$73, , (so far) 35,000
Paradise Evening Rotary Club In existence more than 1 year & less than 3 Average gross receipts = $46,500 for the first 2 years Normal Annual Gross Receipts < $60,000 Files 990N
Big Old City Noon Rotary Club Situation 1 Organized in the last century Gross receipts 2010$ 4, , ,000
Big Old City Noon Rotary Club – Situation 1 In existence more than 3 years Average gross receipts = $49,667 for the last 3 years Normal Average Gross Receipts < $50,000 Files 990N
Big Old City Noon Rotary Club – Situation 2 Organized in the last century Gross Receipts 2011$ 45, , ,000
Big Old City Noon Rotary Club – Situation 2 In existence more than 3 years Average Gross Receipts for last 3 years = $73,333 Normal Annual Gross Receipts > $50,000 but > $200,000 Files 990EZ
How to File Only electronically Go either to or
Information Necessary to File Organization’s name – Rotary International Other name used – ex. d/b/a Kearney Dawn Rotary Club Club’s mailing address Club’s website Club’s EIN Club’s principal office – the president Organization’s tax year – calendar year Club’s annual gross receipts Is the club still a going concern?
When is the 990N considered filed Must be filed electronically Paper return not accepted as a filed 990N From 990N must be complete An incomplete Form 990 is not accepted as a filed 990
When is Form 990N complete? All applicable lines are complete Each question is answered unless the instructions direct not to answer Entries are made on all lines requiring an amount even if that amount is 0 Explanations are provided as instructed
Filing Late IRS will send notifications if return is not filed on time There is no penalty for filing a late 990N
Failure to File for 3 Years If a club fails to file Form 990N for 3 consecutive years it will LOSE its TAX EXEMPT STATUS as of the filing date of the third year
Reinstatement of Tax Exempt Status Form 1024, Application for Recognition of Exemption Under Section 501(a) must be filed Form 8718, User Fee for Exempt Organization Determination Letter Request, must be filed Form 8718 fee must be paid at the time of filing Currently the fee is $850