Tax Form Advisor Nebela Corina Burca Vlad
Artificial Intelligence What is A.I. ? A simple definition could be : The branch of computer science concerned with the automation of intelligent behaviour.
Expert system What is an expert system? An expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert, i.e. it acts in all respects as its human counterpart.
The arhitecture of a rule based system
Decision trees Our application is based on decision trees. A decision tree takes as input an object or situation described by a set of properties, and outputs a yes/no decision.
How our program works?
Activity diagram
The core component of our rule based system are rules and facts. We grouped together our rules and facts into modules We separated the rules into “ask questions” rules and “make recommendations” modules, so we can have the system ask all its questions at once first, and then make all its recommendations together at the end. We also added salience so that the system would ask the question in our chosen order. The system asks the user a series of questions and then recommends a list of income tax forms the user might need.