CALL US ON +44 (0) VISIT READ Product Demonstration BarKode Scanner V2 For Dell KACE Monday 2 nd February 2015
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Move To Stores Physical Audit Installation Goods In Uninstall Location Change Function Change Provisioning CALL US ON VISIT READ IT Asset Management Lifecycle Key Relationships Location Department Cost Centre Status Asset Lifecycle ProcurementRetirement Maintenance Lifecycle – Where is it? – What does it do? – Who owns it? – Is it being used?
CALL US ON VISIT READ Status Accounting Goods In Installation Maintenance Stores MIA End of Life In Stock Active Under Repair Stores Missing Retired The process of reporting on Asset by an assigned Status value
CALL US ON VISIT READ Dell KACE Functionality Within Dell KACE you can: Create Custom Asset Types Add Data Attributes Associate between Assets However, current limitations within Dell KACE include: Data managed via UI only Changes must be manually made Import from CSV manually made
CALL US ON VISIT READ Agenda IT Asset Management Best Practice Barkode Product Information Barkode Solution Demo Q & A
CALL US ON VISIT READ BarKode v2 Solution Enables Fast, Accurate Data Entry – Typically 15 times faster – Typically 10,000 times more accurate than manual entry IOS Platform (iPhone, iPod or iPad) Configurable K1000 KACE Credentials Appliance Model Includes Implementation and Integration
CALL US ON VISIT READ BarKode v2 Scans New Device Asset Scan Creates a new Computer Asset Record with Data Attributes New Custom Asset Type Scan Creates a new Custom Type Asset Record with Data Attributes Existing Device Asset Scan Confirms Asset, displays Inventory and associates Data Attributes Existing Custom Asset Type Scan Confirms Asset and associates Data Attributes Multiple New Device Asset Scan Creates multiple Device Assets with Pre-set Data Attributes Multiple New Custom Asset Scan Creates multiple Custom Assets with Pre-set Data Attributes The following scans are included in BarKode v2
CALL US ON VISIT READ BarKode v2 Benefits Ability to create new Assets from a simple interface Manage Goods in Process in Dell KACE Understand Where, What and Why for all IT equipment Dynamically manage any Asset data within Dell KACE Identify and Track Missing equipment Manage spare or stored equipment better Provide more effective Asset Management Reporting Using BarKode v2 gives Dell KACE customers the following benefits:
CALL US ON VISIT READ Agenda IT Asset Management Best Practice Barkode Product Information Barkode Solution Demo Q & A
CALL US ON VISIT READ Monday 2 nd February 2015 Thank You For Your Time Barcode Scanner v2 For Dell KACE