Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting #1May 30, 2012 Steering Committee Meeting #1 WELCOME Steering Committee – Meeting October 8, 2013 Presentation of Draft Plan Welcome
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting Welcome Agenda Review Recap of Regional Steering Committee Meetings Draft Plan Overview Draft Plan Recommendations Next Steps Closing Meeting Purpose: to present the draft plan and solicit comments from the Steering Committee October 8, 2013
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting 5 Regional meetings 1)Northwest 2)Northeast 3)Central 4)Southwest 5)Southeast 2 Statewide Meetings 6)Statewide Passenger Meeting 7)Statewide Railroad Meeting Meetings Dates: July 21 through July 31 Purpose: Introduce the Regional Profiles and Discuss Regional Needs October 8, 2013 Regional Steering Committee Meetings
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Regional Steering Committee Meetings What was liked: Regional Profiles Multimodal Approach Strategic Transportation System Using the JobsOhio regional boundaries Initiation of a Transit Needs Study What could be improved: Use of the term “Strategic Investment Priorities (SIP)” STS Mapping Congestion Mapping Demographic Data (identification of trends) Economic Data What we Heard!
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Regional Steering Committee Meetings Results Based on Modes: Aviation and bike needs were generally rated low –Lack of available data to identify real needs Maritime needs were generally rated very high –General consensus on needs There was general agreement with the highway needs Survey Results
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting Access Ohio 2040 is meant to be read and understood by all transportation users and stakeholders To make the plan more user friendly, the plan document itself has been condensed to focus on the final plan recommendations Supporting documentation for the recommendations is available as a series of technical memos October 8, 2013 Draft Plan Overview
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 2013 What is Access Ohio Introducing Access Ohio 2040 (AO40) Update to Ohio’s Statewide Transportation Plan 3 rd Iteration of the Access Ohio Plan Access Ohio 2020 (1993) Access Ohio 2030 (2004) Access Ohio 2040 (2013)
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 2013 Vision: Access Ohio 2040 will Guide, Inform, and Support transportation decision making within ODOT Vision and Goal Areas Goal Areas: Preservation Mobility and Efficiency Accessibility and Connectivity Safety Stewardship Economic Development
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting Access Ohio Tech Memos: Assess important trends affecting transportation Inventory/analyze conditions on Ohio’s multimodal transportation system Fiscal analyses of future revenues and costs October 2013 Guiding Principles Setting The Stage Finance Passenger Safety Freight State of the System Report Security Corridors Congestion MPO Environmental Environmental Justice Consensus Building Plan Development
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 2013 Draft Plan Recommendations Final AO40 Plan will focus on 11 recommendations: 1.Performance Management 2.Leveraging Resources 3.Future Funding 4.Asset Management 5.Freight Network 6.Transit Needs 7.Climate Variability 8.Bicycle Network 9.Planning Partnerships 10.Strategic Transportation System 11.Regional Transportation Needs
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Why are you here? The Access Ohio team wants to know: Are the recommendations easy to understand? Are the recommendations compelling? Do the recommendations enhance your organization’s mission? Is there important information missing from the recommendations? Is there unnecessary information within the recommendations?
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting Recommendation: Expand ODOT’s performance management processes by developing additional modal performance measures and reporting systems. Desired Outcome: 2014 – Publish a semi-annual report of transportation system conditions/trends 2040 – Robust performance management process integrated into project programming October 8, 2013 Performance Management
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Leveraging Resources Recommendation: Leverage available resources (e.g. state owned infrastructure, financial partnerships, higher federal participation rates) to maximize transportation investments. Desired Outcome: 2014 – Expand programming practices that leverage local funding participation 2014 – Limit transportation funding carry forward 2014 – Begin utilizing higher federal participation rates on freight projects 2020 – Generate $2 billion in new revenue from leveraging state owned assets 2040 – Generate $5 billion in new revenue from leveraging state owned assets
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Future Funding Recommendation: Remain engaged in the national/statewide dialogue on transportation funding by: – Assisting the Ohio Joint Legislative Task Force on Transportation Funding – Investigating Active Traffic Demand Management (ATDM) solutions in Ohio – Monitoring economic trends Desired Outcome: 2014 – ODOT will have a clearer understanding of the potential for implementing ATDM solutions in Ohio 2014 – Work with the Task Force to investigate more sustainable revenue sources 2040 – ODOT’s revenue will be balanced with transportation system needs, as identified by ODOT’s performance management process
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Asset Management Recommendation: Continue to develop asset management tools within ODOT and integrate them into the project selection process Desired Outcome: 2014 – Develop functioning pavement and bridge management systems which will be incorporated into ODOT’s project selection processes 2014 – Continue to develop a Transportation Asset Management (TAM) framework that will manage other facets of Ohio’s transportation system 2040 – Complete TAM framework integrated into performance management processes
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Freight Network Recommendation: Conduct detailed studies of the two-lane corridors on Ohio’s freight network to identify needed operational improvements and provide live data feeds with current travel times to business logistic systems Desired Outcome: 2016 – Complete detailed studies on the two-lane corridors of the STS to identify and prioritize needed operational improvements 2040 – Publish travel speed data for Ohio’s freight highway network as a direct data feed
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Transit Needs Recommendation: Perform a Statewide Transit Needs Study to capture the actual transit needs and performance in Ohio. Desired Outcome: 2014 – Complete a Statewide Transit Need Study to supply both ODOT and local decision- makers with the data and analysis to make effective and informed decisions to identify and advance projects to meet future transit needs across the state 2040 – Establish performance measures for every Ohio transit system that guide funding decisions
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Climate Variability Recommendation: Complete a Statewide Climate Variability Study to identify weather sensitive components of Ohio’s transportation infrastructure. Desired Outcome: 2014 – Complete a Statewide Climate Variability Study to equip ODOT to proactively and efficiently plan, design, construct, operate, and maintain weather sensitive infrastructure 2040 – Areas of the state most affected by weather events will be identified and future projects within these areas will have climate variability mitigation built into the basic project design
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Bicycle Network Recommendation: Coordinate with local jurisdictions to designate Ohio’s National and State Bike Routes and begin recording bicycle counts. Desired Outcome: 2014 – Complete coordination and designation of USBR – Develop a protocol for performing bicycle counts and a statewide bicycle count database 2020 – ODOT will complete coordination and designation of the remaining US bike routes in Ohio 2040 – ODOT will complete coordination and designation of all State bike routes
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Planning Partnerships Recommendation: Continue to foster partnerships with regional and local transportation planning agencies. Desired Outcome: 2040 – Coordinate state, regional and local transportation priorities in every locality in Ohio which will maximize the benefits from transportation investments
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Strategic Transportation System Recommendation: Incorporate the Strategic Transportation System (STS) into project selection processes and development of performance targets for various types of transportation facilities. Desired Outcome: 2040 – The STS will be the tool that state, regional and local transportation agencies use to prioritize and coordinate additional discretionary transportation investments
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Regional Transportation Needs Recommendation: Address the list of regional transportation needs (RTNs) based on condition, demographic, and economic data along with stakeholder input and additional statewide studies. Desired Outcome: 2040 – ODOT will directly address the transportation needs on the regional profiles or partner with the appropriate agencies to facilitate meeting the need
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013 Next Steps Draft Plan presented at Steering Committee Meeting –October 8, 2013 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon –Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission in Columbus Draft Plan Public Comment Period –October 17 – November 21, 2013 –Available online ( and at information outpostswww.accessohio2040.com Final Plan –Late December 2013
Ohio Department of Transportation Steering Committee Meeting #3 Scott Phinney - Administrator Office of Statewide Planning & Research (614) Stay Involved The AO40 website, The public involvement site, Access Ohio 2040 Questions Steering Committee Meeting October 8, 2013