WSSU REPORTING Our new integrated and relational database system, BANNER has provided WSSU with an opportunity to utilize new and very user friendly means to get answers to questions regarding our campus.
REPORTING TOOLS WSSU has moved to new web-based query or reporting systems. WebFocus is the web-based version of FOCUS which was used with SIS/PLUS. RAMSTATS is a web-based system developed at WSSU to obtain descriptive demographic data on our students and employees.
DATA SOURCES Two Choices CENSUS—A point in time. This is data that is OFFICIAL and is reported to and by UNCGA. It is available for Fall in Mid- October and then for Spring in Mid-March Should be used for external reporting requirements. CONTINUOUS—This is data that is refreshed daily and reflects daily updates. Should be used for internal use only.
Rams Stats nistration/Division+of+Planning+Assess ment+and+Research/ After you have accessed the RAMSTATS page, select Query Ramstats. Select the Semester you need and then choose one of the several options to answer your question.
Rams Stats Share Point This link is also found on our website. The information contained here is composed of preformatted reports that are generated from the Student Data File. Information includes enrollment data, majors, SAT, Transfer, Residency and other valuable data points. Access is restricted to campus users.
ACCESS TO THE SYSTEMS Access to RAMSTATS is unrestricted. Anyone, including, the public can access information from RAMSTATS. Access to WebFocus is restricted by need and type. There are 3 levels of access: Developers,Analytical Users and Users
ACCESS TO WebFocus In order to gain access to WebFocus, an access form must be completed and signed by the appropriate Module Manager and then the Director of Institutional Research. Module Managers/Designees are; Student- The Registrar, William Cain Financial Aid-The Director of Financial Aid, Raymond Solomon Student AR- The Director of Billings and Receivables, Shirley Wilson Finance- Chief Systems Accountant, Constance Mallette Human Resources- The Associate VC for HR, Ed Hanes The WebFocus Access Form is located here: P:\Banner Project\Security Open WebFocus Access Request Form
WebFocus Access cont’d The people who will need access are typically people who routinely used FOCUS. Fill in the form electronically and then print. If there are questions as to how to complete the form call Institutional Research.
Data Requests First, try the self-service tools of Ram Stats and WebFocus. If your requests cannot be answered using either of these tools, then simply submit a request to Rams Request or WebFOCUS Reporting Request. Both links are found here: nd+Research
Data Requests cont’d All requests must come through the designated system. The request will be routed to the appropriate persons and completed. Depending upon the difficulty of the request, completion time should vary between 2-3 days. Please remember, due to FERPA and HIPPA regulations, WSSU must not release any information that could lead to identity theft or compromise.