Welcome! Bienvenue! Kindergarten Information Night Elmdale Public School
Agenda Introduction of School Personnel School Profile School Council French as a Second Language Programs A Day in Kindergarten Learning Through Play The Kindergarten Program Assessment and Evaluation Home-School Connection Busing Registration Question Period Wrap-up
Elmdale School Introduction of School Personnel School Profile Kindergarten profile School Council Importance of volunteers in the school
French as a Second Language Programs OCDSB offers 3 types of French as a Second Language Programs: Regular English/Core French Early French Immersion (EFI)-entry point is SK Middle French Immersion (MFI)-entry point is grade 4 Regular English and Early French Immersion are offered at Elmdale. There are different boundaries for each program. For some addresses, Elmdale will be the home school for English and Devonshire will be the home school for EFI. In some cases, Elmdale will be the home school for EFI and Hilson will be the designated school for English. Note: if within Elmdale’s EFI boundary, may attend for JK if you intend to register for immersion in SK Entry at points other than SK or grade 4 are considered on a case by case basis by the principal. An assessment of the child’s proficiency in French is administered.
French as a Second Language Programs Regular English/Core French Allows more time to concentrate on English language skills while developing a basic level of proficiency in the French language. Available from JK to graduation Language of instruction is English for all subjects except for French. French is taught 100 min./wk in kindergarten and 200 min./wk in grade 1-8. A French credit is compulsory in grade 9.
French as a Second Language Programs Early French Immersion Available from SK to grade 8 (options continue in secondary school) Enables students to become functionally bilingual through a maximum exposure to French. SK & gr. 1 – 100% of instruction is in French Gr. 2 & 3 – English introduced for 20% of the week Gr. 4-6 – English instruction for 40% of the week (English and Math)
French as a Second Language Programs Middle French Immersion: Available for gr. 4-6 (options continue in secondary school) Regular program/Core French JK-gr. 3; 70% French instruction gr. 4-6 Offered nearby at Hilson PS
A Day in Kindergarten
The centre approach: Learning Through Play “Young children actively explore their environment and the world around them through a process of learning-based play… Play is a vehicle for learning…Play and work are not distinct categories for young children…there is a strong link between play and learning…Play, therefore, has a legitimate and important role in Kindergarten…” (page 14, The Kindergarten Program, 2006, Ontario Ministry of Education)
The centre approach: Learning Through Play “ Current brain research confirms that opportunities for children to learn through play impel the development of multiple-sensing pathways in the brain.” (page 14, The Kindergarten Program, 2006, Ontario Ministry of Education)
The Kindergarten Program Personal and Social Development Language Mathematics Science and Technology Health and Physical Activity The Arts
The Kindergarten Program Ontario Ministry of Education released a revised version of the Kindergarten Program in 2006 Outlines a range of expectations to be developed by the end of Senior Kindergarten
Home-School Connection Early June Package – class placement; entry information; confirmation of registration Intake process (staggered entry) under review Newsletters, telephone calls, written notes
Busing Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) Busing Awareness Program in August Drive the “bus route” Revisit safety rules Parent/caregiver required to meet child at bus stop (or child is returned to school for pick-up) OSTA is open throughout the summer to update pick up/drop off information
Busing Bus tags: The initial one is made by the teacher. If it becomes lost, parents are responsible for replacing the tag which should include the following information: - Elmdale P.S. + # , child’s name, and drop off spot Please refer to the board web site for further information regarding transportation.
When You Register, You Will Need: Proof of age (e.g., birth certificate) Immunization Record (please keep it updated) Health Card Custody Papers (if applicable) Registration Form Parental Placement Request Form
Questions Closing note Thank you! Merci!