L.O.T.E. – Languages Other Than English Français, Deutsch, Español: As easy as A, B, C!
Checkpoint Definitions: 6th Grade Exploratory (10 weeks) Checkpoint A: 7th and 8th grade Checkpoint B: B1 – 9th grade; B2 – 10th grade Checkpoint C: C1 – 11th grade; C2 – 12th grade
Preparing Students for the Future in our Global Workplace Hundreds, if not thousands of jobs in the U.S. that require proficiency or expertise in one of our offered languages are listed on Monster.com at any given time. The new Homeland Security Federal Workforce Act will repay up to $60,000 in student loans for those who agree to service in national security positions in the federal government for at least three years.
Checkpoint A 2 years: 7 th and 8 th grade Second Language Proficiency Exam Regents Diploma Language Requirement
Checkpoint B 2 years: B1 in 9 th and B2 in 10 th grade Regents Comprehensive Exam Regents Diploma with Advanced Designation
Checkpoint C C1-11 th grade C2-12 th grade May be taken for college credit through the College Acceleration Program (CAP)
L.O.T.E. Standards: 1. Using a language other than English for communication (listening, speaking, reading, writing) 2. Developing cross-cultural understanding
Checkpoint A Movie Poster Project
Checkpoint A Projects
Wanted Posters
Other Checkpoint A Opportunities French After School Reading Program Field Trip to Quebec International Dinner Buffalo Bisons 8 th Grade German Student of the Year Oktoberfest
Checkpoint B Opportunities Class projects: Fashion Show National Language Exams Club activities
Talk Show Project
International BreakfastSprachfest
Club Activities: Field Trips, Cooking, Cultural Crafts, Movies, Restaurant Trips
Checkpoint C Opportunities SUNY College Transfer Credits Field Trip to visit German classes at Canisius College AP Exam possibility Honors credits
Canisius College GermanFrench Artists Project
New York City: German-American Festival Parade
National German Honor Society
Exchange Programs France: near Lille, France Germany: Zülpich, Germany Spain: Zamora, Spain
Dedicated and Involved Educators
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