What Is A Healthy Church? It Is One With Biblical Leadership.


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Presentation transcript:

What Is A Healthy Church? It Is One With Biblical Leadership

I.Marks of Biblical Leadership II.Elders III.Deacons IV.The Body of Christ Biblical Leadership

I.Marks of Biblical Leadership A.Ensures the gospel is preached Mark 16:15 B.Insists on teaching the Word Acts 15:35 C.Deals with disciplinary issues 2 Tim. 3:16 – 4:2; Matthew 18:15-18 D.Encourages a deacon “service” model Acts 6:1-6 E.Establishes men as elders – 1 Tim. 3:1-7

Biblical leaders are those whose overriding characteristic is a value system that encompasses an attitude of service, personal integrity, dedication to task and family, and a clear sense of purpose.

II.Elders A.Who Are Elders B.Elders and the Congregation C.Plurality of Elders D.Benefits of Elders

II.Elders A.Who Are Elders 1.Ones devoted to prayer and ministry of the Word - Acts 6:4 has labor division 2.Three word descriptions: a.Episcopos – Overseer (Acts 20:17, 20:28) b.Presbuteros – Older man (1 Tim. 5:1) c.Poimain – Shepherd or Pastor (Eph. 4:11) 3.Qualifications – 1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 5-9

II.Elders B.Elders and the Congregation 1.Presbyterians and Baptists have some common ground – elder history (p114f) 2.Elder concept differs in two areas a.Is Congregation elder lead or ruled? b.One class of elders or two?

PBC Position on Elder Lead vs. Rule: We believe that the Bible teaches that elders are to lead the assembly, not rule it. Examples: 1.Matthew 18:17 – Congregation is final court of appeal on disciplinary matters. 2.Acts 6:1-6 – Apostles turned final decision over to the congregation to select the deacons or servers. 3.1 Corinthians 5:1-5 – Paul blames congregation for tolerating sin (not pastor, elders, or deacons). 4.Galatians 1 – Paul calls on the entire assembly to judge the false teaching they had been hearing.

PBC Position on Classes of Elders: We believe that the Bible teaches there is only one class of elders: 1.1 Tim. 5:17 says that the elders who direct the affairs of the church are worthy of double honor, especially those who preach and teach. At PBC all elders are expected to be able to teach (1 Tim. 3:2). Our pastor is one of the elders with special gifting in ability to teach. 2.Passages noted above do not imply two classes of elders, one with more authority than the others.

II.Elders C.Plurality of Elders 1.Acts 14:23 & 16:4 2.Acts 20:17 & 21:18 3.Titus 1:5 4.James 5:14 Note: The Pastor has a distinct role, but he is still fundamentally just one more elder.

II.Elders D.Benefit of Elders 1.Multiple cords make a strong rope 2.Pastor is a fallible man who can use wise counsel from other godly men 3.Pastor can exercise his gifts without trying to carry the whole load 4.Minimizes unjust criticism 5.Church takes more responsibility and makes it less dependent on employees

III.Deacons A.Specific qualifications 1.1 Timothy 3: Distinct from elders B.Specific roles 1.Care for congregational members 2.Special care for widows, orphans, & poor 3.Details of church operation

Examples of Biblical Growth - involving love, self denial, discipline, & encouragement 1. Members of the congregation talking about becoming missionaries 2. Older members inviting younger ones over for dinner to share gospel 3. Younger members asking older members to mentor them 4. Increased desire for corporate prayer, especially involving evangelism 5. People initiating evangelistic Bible studies at work & in neighborhoods 6. Less reliance on church programs and more emphasis on small groups 7. Informal gatherings characterized by sharing of needs and struggles 8. Increased and sacrificial giving (what can we do without to give more) 9. People exercising fruit of spirit like patience and kindness 10. Husbands asking wives how they can better love & communicate 11. Wives asking husbands how they can show respect and appreciation 12. Parents firmly disciplining their children in love and not anger 13. Leadership of church being fair and consistent in scriptural discipline