Local History of Catholic Church Before 1883, Mass was celebrated occasionally in the home of Mrs. Martin Bruce in Bagdad when a traveling priest came through or one from Pensacola could come. 1883St. Ann’s Church, a mission church, was built in Bagdad from contributions made by Mr. William Ollinger, Mrs. Martin Bruce and Mrs. John Casey. Mass was celebrated by priests from St. Michael’s in Pensacola and St. Mary’s in Fort Walton Beach.***
The Church 1940’s & 1950’s 1948Rev. James Gilligan, Assistant Pastor at St. Mary’s in Fort Walton Beach, was charged with responsibility for Crestview and Bagdad. 1950Gas and electricity are installed in the church. 1955Archbishop Toolen (then Bishop) purchased land on Park Ave. in Milton for future church, from E. N. James and J. D. Hembree, church members. 1957October 20 - Ground breaking for new church. New church was helped by a $5000 grant from the Extension Society and $2000 from the Diocese of Mobile. The total cost of the church was $23,000, exclusive of furnishings. 1958First Mass in new church. Church still a mission church out of Crestview.
The Church 1960’s & 1970’s 1960Father Gilligan made Pastor. House across the street purchased for office, rectory. Father was still serving Crestview. 1962Kindergarten started. Ground is broken for Educational building. 1964Father Gilligan has only St. Rose as his responsibility students enrolled in CCD. Parish celebrates 10th anniversary. Father Lorrigan replaces Fr. Gilligan as pastor. 1976Ladies Club reorganized and resurrected. 1978Knights of Columbus chapter formed.
The Church 1980’s & 1990’s 1982January - Father Todd Hevia becomes administrator after Fr. Lorrigan collapses. 1982New rectory/office building completed. 1982October - First Fall Festival 1984“Hometown boy” Michael Reed is ordained. 1987Deacons Tom Kennell and Dave Davey ordained permanent deacons Church is bursting at seams even after renovation; new church committee formed. 1990Plans approved for new church 1994First Mass in new church 1998Father Thom Crandall replaces Father Todd Hevia as Pastor.
The Church in the 2000’s 2002Jan. - Father Tom Collins appointed temporary administrator. New rectory purchased for priests; former rectory is made into all offices for parish. 2002June - Father Steven J. O’Connor appointed Pastor of parish Father Kurian Manikuttiyil joins Father O’Connor as Parochial Vicar. Deacon Chris Christopher joins us. 2004Nov. Father Dennis J. O’Brien comes to St. Rose as Pastor 2006Father Peter Hung Nguyen, SOLT becomes new Parochial Vicar Sept. Father Peter goes on temporary assignment; Father Mathew Chandrankunnel in residence. 2006October - Pastoral Plan for next 3-5 years presented to parish August Father Bernard Jakubco, MSC assignment Parochial Vicar
Church Notes ** Between 1930 and 1932, French-speaking persons from across America and Canada came to north Santa Rosa County in search of good agricultural land. The community of Belandville, just south of Munson, in 1932 had 500 residents. A French Franciscan priest, Rev. August Beyne ministered to them. In 1932, a church was built with Extension Society Funds. By 1937, the small community failed despite having raising fine crops. The people left; the houses were moved. The church was dismantled and reassembled at the Catholic Boys’ Home summer camp on Mobile Bay. Old maps identify the area as “Santa Maria,” which is what Father Beyne called it.