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Early Christians Were ACCUSED of These practices
What are Cannibalism And Orgies
Constantine Refused to participate In these, so the Romans did not like him
What are Pagan Rituals?
When Nero Persecuted the Christians, he did This to them
What is Fed them to Lions?
Early Christians Borrowed From these when They created their Rituals
What are Roman/Pagan Rituals?
Constantine Left Rome and moved The new capital to This city
What is Constantinople?
St. Augustine Had this idea Concerning the sacraments
What is A very broad Interpretation – almost Anything could be a Sacrament?
These 3 sacraments Create a “permanent seal” on a Person’s soul.
What are Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders?
In the year 451, The Council of Chalcedon declared This bishop to be the Ultimate authority in the Church.
Who is The Bishop of Rome?
During the Dark Ages, These two Sacraments were Made into separate Rituals.
What are Baptism And Confirmation?
This group became Less involved In the Mass.
Who are Lay People?
People became Very concerned about This aspect of ritual Worship during The Middle Ages
What is Correct form?
Aquinas taught That sacraments were Causes of this.
What is The Grace of God?
During the Middle Ages, people used Aspects of these Ceremonies in The sacraments.
What are Ceremonies of The Royal Courts?
People at this time Became focused on The external actions Of a sacrament rather Than this.
What is The deeper, symbolic meaning?
In the Middle Ages, Not being a Christian also meant Not being this.
What is a Citizen?
This church council Met from 1545 – 1563.
What is The Council of Trent?
This began as an attempt To reform the Church within, but it resulted In a major break In the church.
What is the Protestant Reformation?
Over half of the Council of Trent’s Teachings dealt with This topic
What are The Sacraments?
Because of the Council Of Trent, this book Was published and used In Catholic worship Throughout the world
What is The Missal?
The Council of Trent Affirmed that the Effectiveness of a Sacrament had Nothing to do with this
What is The moral character (holiness or sinfulness) Of the priest?
These people were Allowed to be Altar servers after Vatican II.
Who are Girls/Females?
After Vatican II, the Church began to ordain Men for this particular Role in the church
What is Permanent Deacon?
In order to be Able to distribute Communion at Mass, A person must be
What is Confirmed?
Pope John XXIII Came from this family
What is Roncalli?
Prayer books, The Rosary, The Stations of the Cross Are examples of these.
What are Sacramentals?