A Few more Things
Requirements of church for marriage: The couple must be capable of being married—that is, they must be a woman and a man who are free of any impediment that would prevent marriage. The couple must be capable of being married—that is, they must be a woman and a man who are free of any impediment that would prevent marriage. The couple must give their consent to be married— that is, by an act of their will they irrevocably give and accept one another in order to establish marriage The couple must give their consent to be married— that is, by an act of their will they irrevocably give and accept one another in order to establish marriage They must follow the canonical form for marriage— that is, they must be married according to the laws of the Church so that the Church and the wider community will be certain about the validity of their marriage. They must follow the canonical form for marriage— that is, they must be married according to the laws of the Church so that the Church and the wider community will be certain about the validity of their marriage. Age: Both persons need to be old enough to contract marriage according to the local civil laws. Age: Both persons need to be old enough to contract marriage according to the local civil laws.
Valid marriage ( Church and State) Both Both –Free, mutual consent –Minimum age –Not close relatives –Freedom to marry –Free from impediments – pressured, too young, etc
Church Church –Intent to remain open to having and lovingly raising children if it is God’s will –Marriage is permanent –Remain faithful
Requirements for marrying legally Both Both –Minimum age –Public notified of forthcoming marriage (banns in Catholic Church) –Duly authorized official witnesses (Catholic- priest or deacon) –Proper documentation
State State –Pre-marriage waiting period –License to marry –Certification of being free of certain transmissible diseases Church Church –Baptism –Proper permission from the Church
Causes for annulment: Someone wasn't mature enough to understand the full extent of what they were doing. Someone wasn't mature enough to understand the full extent of what they were doing. There was never intent to be faithful. There was never intent to be faithful. One or both partners did not intend to be open to children. One or both partners did not intend to be open to children. At least one partner didn't fully & freely consent. At least one partner didn't fully & freely consent.
Mortal Sin In order for a sin to be mortal, it must meet three conditions: In order for a sin to be mortal, it must meet three conditions: –Mortal sin is a sin of grave matter –Mortal sin is committed with full knowledge of the sinner –Mortal sin is committed with deliberate consent of the sinner
Effects of Original Sin: Effects of Original Sin: –Human nature corrupted –Understanding darkened –Will weakened –Strong inclination to do evil
Eschatological Man Eschatological Man –Glorified bodies – no pain, death, suffering –Knowledge perfected –Desires will be purified –Eschaton- the end times In heaven there is no beer In heaven there is no beer –Or sex as we know it –Dual purposes for marriage? –“in the resurrection they will neither marry nor are given in marriage” –Culmination of the communion of saints
Resurrection of the Body At the end of time – our souls will be joined to our bodies At the end of time – our souls will be joined to our bodies Proclaimed in the Creed Proclaimed in the Creed Human after death continues in a spiritual fashion Human after death continues in a spiritual fashion Jesus ascended body AND SOUL into heaven Jesus ascended body AND SOUL into heaven We too will be reunited with our bodies We too will be reunited with our bodies