September 6, 2015 September 2015 Prayer Focus: Praise Psalm 146
Noon Day and Evening Bible Study will resume Wednesday, September 16, 2015.
The church directories have arrived and will be given out on Sunday, August 9, 2015, in the Jack Tate Fellowship Hall after service. Each family that took a photo for the directory will receive one free copy per family. If you want an additional copy, the costs is $10.00 each. If you did not take a photo for the directory and would like to purchase one, the cost for the directory is $10.00 also. You may pay by check, cash, or credit card. We will have 100 directories for sale. Get your copy before they are all gone. The Directory Committee RRMBC Church Directories
Transportation Ministry All requests to use the van or buses must be sumitted and logged in the church van log book located in the office and notify Sis. Esther Bailey or Bro. Anthony Martin. Thank you.
Appreciation Banquet Sponsored by the Deacon Ministry November 7, :00 PM At FLC Admission - $10.00 Adult $5.00 (children under 8 years old)
September 27
Revival Schedule for Dr. Yowe Lord’s Supper Worship Service Mt. Olivet Baptist Church, Columbus, OH – Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 7:00 PM. 3 Night Revival Abyssinian Baptist Church, Harlem, NY - Wednesday, October 7 – 9, 2015 at 7:00 PM. Mt. Sinia Baptist Church Anniversary, 1809 Old Post Road, Gaffney, SC – Sunday, November 15, 2015 at 4:00 PM. Sunday School Publishing Board Confrerence, Nashville, TN - Monday, November 30, 2015 – December 2, 2015.
Pastoral Counseling Schedule for Dr. Yowe If you are in need for pastoral counseling, Dr. Yowe is available Monday – Thursday until 7:00 PM by appointment only. Please contact the church secretaryfor availability and scheduling. Thank you.
Congratulations RRMBC Family of the month of September 2015 The Edward Family
Thank you Sis. JoAnn Harris, Sis. Shirley Lewers, Sis. Linda Jones and Sis. Anne Jennings for volunteering to help me on Friday morning, August 28, 2015 to pass out coffee and doughnuts to our friends and family of LEAD Academy. Dr. Antwion Yowe
Thank you The Family of James S. Brown acknowleges with deep appreciation your kind expression of sympathy. Thank you for your acts of kindness Brown Family
Thank you To All of You with Special Thanks… This message, though brief, Has a specially warm tough, For it comes from the heart- “Thank you all very much!” Words cannot express how grateful our family is for all of the kindness shown to us during this difficult time. Every act of kindness meant so very much. Thank you for remembering our family. Cheryl Pulley and Gerald Neely
Thank you Thank You from Owens Family to RRMBC for condolences Aug 26, 2015 Dea. Roger Owens, Deacon Spouse Emma Owens, and the entire family of Charles Owens, deceased brother of Dea. Roger Owens, sincerely thank the RRMBC family for their thoughtful, prayerful compassionate concern and expressions of condolences during their period of bereavement. Many thanks for those who called, sent cards, contributed funds or food, visited, attended the Home Going services, or just said a prayer. You are an amazing family of Christian believers. We are honored to be a part of you. May heaven continue to smile upon you, and may God continue to bless you. Dea. Roger Owens and Deacon Spouse Emma Owens
Thank you August 20, 2015 To my DearRRMBC FAMILY: Thank you for constantly remembering me. Please continue to pray for me as I'll do the same for you. You are continuously in my thoughts. Love of Christ, Lillie H. Smith
Please keep our Sick and Shut In in your thoughts and prayers Sis. Freddie Pendergrass sister, Mrs. Yvonne Johnson is in Magnolia Place for rehab. It is located off of Woodruff Rd. Please keep the Johnson, Sherman and Pendergrass Families in prayer.
Please keep our Sick and Shut In in your thoughts and prayers Sis. Lillie Smith Sis. Phyllis Jones Sis. Ann Cureton Sis. Catherine Pinson Rev. John C. Eichelberger Sis. Cathy Shell Owens Sis. Gloria Pyles
Please keep our Sick and Shut In in your thoughts and prayers Bro. Carl Spencer – Diamond Rehab, Simpsonville, SC Deacon James Cooley - The Springs Assisted Living, 214 E. Curtis Street, Simpsonville, SC Ms. Lillian Denard - Quillen Manor, Fountain Inn, SC Sis. Abeline Rosemond - Austin, TX Ms. Genevive Webb - Patewood Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center 2 Griffith Road Greenville, SC 29607
Please keep our Sick and Shut In in your thoughts and prayers Bro. Ferdinand Chapman - National Health Care, Mauldin, SC Sis. Ellen Shumate Windham - Magnolia Place, Woodruff Road, Greenville, SC Bro. David Gray - Glorified Nursing Home, Room #307, Greenville, SC
Condolences Please pray for Deacon Ron Brackett and family. Deacon Brackett’s aunt, Corrie Willie Mae Logan Brackett, passed Saturday, August 29, Funeral Services will be Saturday, September 5, 2015 at 1:00 PM at Mt. Clavary Baptist Church, Cowpens, SC. The Foster Funeral Home is assisting the family.
Condolences Mr. Steve Brown passed Thursday morning, August 27, 2015.– James Steven Brown, 65, husband of Sandra Kay Fletcher Brown, passed away Thursday, August 27, Visitation will be from 12:30 - 1:30 PM Saturday, August 29, 2015 at Reedy River Missionary Baptist Church. The service will follow at 1:30 PM at the church. Burial will be at Greenville Memorial Gardens. Memorials may be made to Reedy River Missionary Baptist Church, Adult Sunday School Class, 1012 Mauldin Road, Greenville, SC Gray Mortuary, Pelzer.. Please keep Deacon Sandra Brown and family in your prayers during this time.
Condolences Please pray for Deacon Ron Brackett and Family. Deacon Brackett’s first cousin, Mr. James Lee David Brackett of Cowpens, entered eternal rest Saturday, August 22, 2015 at his home. Funeral Services will be Saturday, August 29, 2015 at 12:00 PM at The Gilmore Mortuary Chapel with Rev. Timothy L. Hunter officiating, assisted by Dr. A.L. Brackett and Rev. Jacob Hunter, II. The Gilmore Mortuary is assisting the family.
Condolences Condolences to Deacon Roger Owens and family. Dea. Owens’ brother, Mr. Charles Owens of Baltimore, MD, passed Tuesday, August 18, Service for Mr. Owens will be Sunday, August 23, 2015 at 2:00 PM at New Hope Baptist Church, Clemson, SC The Adams Mortuary, 500 E. South First Street, Seneca, SC, is in charge of arrangements. Their phone # is Please keep the Owens family in your thoughts and prayers.
Condolences Condolences to Sis. Marcia Montgomery and family. Sis. Montgomery’s mother, Mrs. Evely Edwards, passed Thursday, August 13, Service for Mrs. Edwards will be Saturday, August 22, 2015 at 11:00 AM at Temple of Deliverance Church Of God In Christ, 369 G. E. Patterson Ave, Memphis, TN M. J. Edwards Funeral Home is handling the arrangements. Their contact information is 1165 Airways Blv., Memphis, TN 38114, Please keep the family in your thoughts and prayers.
September and Upcoming Events Dinky O’Neal Scholarship Presentation - Sunday, September 13, 2015 Heaven Sent 2 nd Anniversary – Sunday, September 13, 2015 Austin Wedding – Friday-Saturday, September 18-19, 2015 Dr. Yowe’s 5 th Anniversary - Sunday, October 18, 2015 Guest Speaker, Dr. Perry Simmons, Jr., Abyssinian Baptist Church, Newark, NJ
September Rehearsals at the River Angelic Voices Choir–09/05, 9:00 AM—Choir Room -208 Sanctuary Choir –- 09/03, 09/17, 09/24 6:30 PM Sanctuary Senior Choir –09/26 – 10:00 AM Choir Room Sunbeam and Youth Choirs – 1 st, 2 nd and 4 th Saturdays 10:00 AM Choir Room Fellowship Choir –09/08, 09/16, 09/19 6:30 PM, 10:00 AM Sanctuary Children’s Praise Dance—Every 2 nd and 4 th Saturdays 11:15AM – JTFH and Sanctuary Praise Dance 9:00 AM-JTFH
September Ministry Meetings at the River Adopt-a-Highway – 11/14 9:30 AM JTFH Intercessory Prayer- Mondays 6:00 PM Young Adult Class Rm. Brotherhood Meeting – 09/05 7:30 AM FLC CAD Convention – 08/15 7:30 PM, 08/16 9:00 AM Christian Education Teacher Training - 09/15 1:00 PM 6:30PM FLC Christian Education - 09/10 1:00 PM 6:30PM FLC Cluster Leaders Meeting – 09/12 9:00 AM JTFH Deacon Leadership Meeting— 09/02, 09/16 5:30 PM JTFH Deacon Meeting—09/01, 09/22 6:30 PM JTFH Deacon Spouses Meeting - Every 3rd Saturday 9:30 AM JTFH Finance Ministry Meeting—09/24 6:00 PM JTFH
September Ministry Meetings at the River FLC Committee Meeting – 09/07 6:30 PM FLC CR Golden Aged Christians— 3rd Thursdays 10:00 AM FLC HR Meeting— 08/18 6:30 PM FLC Leadership Meeting – 09/08 7:00PM Conference Room Missionary #2 – 2nd Sundays 12:00 PM – Primary Class Room Morris College Alumni Meeting – 09/26 3:00 PM Choir Room Pastors Aid Committee – 4th Sundays 12:00 PM Young Adult Class Rm. Salvation Army Ministry – 09/12 6:00 AM Salvation Army Senior Missionary Society – 09/13, 12:30 PM Choir Room Sunday School Meeting – 08/05 6:30 PM FLC CR Sunday School Teacher Meetings – 09/01 6:30 PM FLC
September Ministry Meetings at the River The Women of the Bible Study—4th Tuesdays 7:00 PM Choir Room Trustee Meeting –09/28 6:30PM Choir Room Trustee Spouses’ Meeting –09/07 6:30PM Choir Room Usher’s Meeting – 09/05 10:00 AM Sanctuary Van Ministry Meeting – 09/26 10:00 AM Room 200 Visionary Ministry – 09/05 11:00 AM Choir Room Women of the Bible – 4th Tuesdays 7:00 PM Choir Room YAB Meeting – 09/10 6:30 PM FLC YWA Meeting – 09/15 6:15 PM - FLC
REMINDER TO ALL MINISTRY LEADERS!!! ALL EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR THE FLC MUST COMPLETE A FLC USAGE REQUEST FORM AND SUBMIT IT TO FAMILY LIFE CENTER DIRECTOR, FOR APPROVAL. ALL EVENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO DR. YOWE FOR APPROVAL 90 DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT. THANK YOU. Announcements for the month of October due by September 3, No dates available for the months of September-November on the calendar. Deadline for event approval is Friday, October 9, 2015 for the Month of December.
2016 Ministry Calendar of Events Due Date A 2016 Ministry Packet was ed to all ministry leaders. Please complete the 2016 Ministry Events, Meetings and Rehearsal Dates and the 2016 Ministry Members Contact Information forms. Please take advantage of this opportunity. Your 2016 ministry events will need Dr. Yowe's approval before it is added to the church calendar. The deadline date is past due and all events will be submitted for approval to Dr. Yowe and Leadership Friday, September 18, If you have not received your packet, please contact the church secretary. A ministry leader session will be scheduled for October.
For more information, please visit our website at