The Elder as Supporter of Other Local Leaders
Support Church Clerk: Elders play an important role in sustaining the morale and encouragement of various volunteer church workers. Keeping accurate records of the membership and major activities of a church is one way to maintain an efficient organization. Supporting Other Leaders
Reliability and faithfulness in caring for all the clerical duties and correspondences of the church. Attending all board and business meeting. Writing a record of the actions taken (minutes).
Supporting Other Leaders Support Deacon and Deaconesses: Motivating them to visit the poor and the sick. Helping them to give physical and spiritual support to church members. Selecting people with caring personalities. Training them how to minister effectively. Planning the church rites and ordinances with them.
Supporting Other Leaders Support Church Treasurer: Show and voice appreciation for them often. Handling God’s money is a sacred responsibility. Pastors, elders, and other church leaders should never borrow money from the church.
Supporting Other Ministries Dorcas and Community Services: Is an expression of love and concern for the needy. Gathering and preparing clothing, food, and other supplies for the poor. Visiting hospitals, prisons, and developing community health programs.
Supporting Other Ministries Family Ministries: It is in the family that our needs for social contact, belonging, love, and intimacy are met. The church chooses a Family Life Leader. Elders should work closely with their pastor and family life leader to find and minister to families in difficulty.
Supporting Other Ministries Music Ministries: Music enhances worship and has a special power to reach the heart and open the mind. It also inspires, teaches, and contributes toward spiritual growth. Chose a Music Leader to plan, lead, and develop the music program.
Supporting Other Ministries Women’s Ministries: Lay women play a vital role in our church. Churches should have a ministry specifically tailored towards womens’ special needs. Choose a Women’s Ministries Leader in your church to help them to be involved in different ministries.
Supporting Other Ministries Personal Ministries: Encourage church members to discover and use their spiritual gifts. Choose a leader in this department to help church members develop their witnessing abilities. Organize an outreach training program.
Supporting Other Ministries Sabbath School: Support by faithful attendance. Encourage training of teachers. Support the children and youth departments. Provide adequate money for their supplies.
Supporting Other Ministries Stewardship: Promote faithfulness in the use of time, opportunities, abilities, and finances. Encourage each member in this commitment to God. Inform the church of their financial needs. Give reports to the church and church board. Prepare Sabbath morning offering appeals.
Supporting Other Ministries Youth Ministry: Youth Ministries Committee. Responsible for the planning of the youth and Pathfinder activities of the church. It primarily serves ages 16 to 30.
Supporting Other Ministries Pathfinder Club: Serves ages 10 to 15 year olds. Its purpose is similar to that which the youth society performs for senior youth. Its activities include: spiritual instruction, crafts, field trips, campouts, and sports.
Supporting Other Ministries Children's Ministries: The goal of this ministry to foster the development of faith and spiritual growth among children in the church. Children’s Ministries today has materials and resources to assist churches in many specialized areas of activities.
Supporting Other Ministries Communication: Part of the challenge is to communicate our message to our surrounding communities. Provide information about your church and its message through newspaper, radio, television, and other resources.
Supporting Other Ministries Christian Education: To restore God’s image in its students. Promote the principles of Christian education. Send your own children to church school. Raise money for a worthy student fund.
Supporting Other Ministries Support Health and Temperance: The church should be a model for a healthy lifestyle. Programs such as: stop-smoking plans, cooking schools, health classes, and stress-control programs. Include some dates in the church calendar to give emphasis on this issue.
Supporting Other Ministries Literature Ministry: Encourage your church board to spend money on distributing literature in your community. Promote the purchase and distribution of your own magazines and papers. Start a church library.