1 NTTC TRAINING 2009 MORTGAGE DEBT FORGIVENESS RELIEF ACT Enacted in 2007 and expires end of Allows taxpayers to exclude from income certain cancelled debt on their principal residence
2 NTTC TRAINING 2009 FORECLOSURE & MORTGAGE DEBT REDUCTION Foreclosure: Takeover of property by lender – Homeowner loses home and moves out Debt Reduction: Reduction in mortgage indebtedness from renegotiation – Homeowner keeps possession
3 NTTC TRAINING 2009 FORECLOSURE REAL PROPERTY Recourse Debt – Debtor responsible for amount not satisfied by property Debt forgiveness income (1099-C) Capital gain possible Non-recourse Debt – Debt satisfied by surrender of property No income due to cancelled debt – no 1099-C will be issued Possible gain due to “sale” of property (1099-A)
4 NTTC TRAINING 2009 FORECLOSURE OR MORTGAGE DEBT REDUCTION Rules for everyone: Mortgage debt taken out must be to build, buy, or substantially improve the principal residence. Funds cannot have been used to purchase a car, pay off credit card debt, vacations, etc. Taxpayer can only have one principal residence at a time Rental properties not eligible Taxpayer cannot have filed bankruptcy-OUT OF SCOPE-STOP
5 NTTC TRAINING 2009 DEBT REDUCTION OR FORECLOSURE Debt reduction Use slides 6, 7, 8 Taxpayer has Form 1099-C Complete Form 982 Foreclosure Use slides 9, 10, 11 Taxpayer has Form 1099-C or 1099-A Complete Form 982 and Sch D Wkt
6 NTTC TRAINING 2009 MORTGAGE DEBT REDUCTION HOMEOWNER KEEPS POSSESSION Taxpayer/homeowner retains ownership Mortgage debt is reduced-partially forgiven Taxpayer receives Form 1099-C Complete Form 982 No taxable gain or loss Basis (cost) of home-Taxpayers cost is reduced Most mortgages are non-recourse debt
7 NTTC TRAINING 2009 DEBT REDUCTION REPORTING Taxpayer should have Form 1099-C Box 2 shows amount of debt forgiven. Data entered directly on Form 982 Must complete Form 982 and attach to return Complete Boxes 1e and 2. Complete Box 10b to reduce taxpayer’s cost basis No income reported on 1040 Line 21
9 NTTC TRAINING 2009 FORECLOSURE- HOMEOWNER LOSES POSSESSION Results in sale of property to lender-Taxpayer receives Form 1099-A: maybe 1099-C Loss is not deductible Gain may be taxable-gains highly unlikely If taxable, gain must be entered on Schedule D manually- does not transfer Recourse debt is unlikely-most mortgages are non- recourse
10 NTTC TRAINING 2009 Foreclosure satisfies debt (Non-Recourse) Box 2 is Sales Price to Sch D Wkt Complete sale and acquisition date on Sch D Wkt Borrower Personally Responsible beyond mortgage (Recourse, very unlikely) Box 2 Balance of Debt Box Outstanding Box 4 FMV of Property Lesser Value is Sales Price to Schedule D Wkt FORECLOSURE –HOMEOWNER LOSES POSSESSION Form 1099-A
12 NTTC TRAINING 2009 CANCELLATION OF DEBT REPORTING Taxpayer should have Form 1099-C or 1099-A Box 2 Shows Amount of Debt Forgiven. Must complete Form 982 and attach to Return If Foreclosure, Complete only Boxes 1e and 2. If Ownership retained, also complete Box 10b No Income Reported on 1040 Line 21
13 NTTC TRAINING 2009 FORM 982 Lines 1e & 2
14 NTTC TRAINING 2009 FORM 982 Line 10b Partial mortgage debt forgiven and ownership retained: Reduce basis by amount of debt forgiven