Informative Speaking Chapter 9
Four types of Informative Speeches Definition Description Demonstration and Process Social Ritual
Definition Speeches Tells what something is or what it means Can use comparison and contrast May use extended definitions – which are detailed explanations that thoroughly explain the subject and incorporate the speaker’s feelings.
Tips for Definition Speeches Narrow your topic – remember time! Supplement dictionary definitions – add your own thoughts and quotes Be Specific – “Cola is Coke” – so is Pepsi! Avoid Circular Definitions – which use the word within the definition – a big No-No! i.e. “The plumber came to fix the plumbing….”
Description Speeches Describe a person, place, thing, or event This type of speech uses details to appeal to the senses and the imagination Might use similes and metaphors TIPS Visualize the subject Focus on one main impression; embellish with important details Use a logical order Be specific
Demonstration and Process Speeches Describe how to do something/ how something is done A Process is a series of actions leading to an expected outcome (i.e. a step-by-step process) Can be informational or directional
Two types of Demonstration and Process Speeches Informational – gives information about how something happens or is done. The listener is not expected to repeat the process. Exp. Production process at work, photosynthesis Directional – gives detailed information about processes so that listeners can repeat them. Exp. How to make eggs benedict, to assemble a bicycle
Tips for D & P Speeches Know the process well (rehearse) Be aware of your listeners Put the steps in order Define new or unfamiliar terms SHOW steps visually (especially for directional) Warn of possible dangers, potential mistakes, etc. If audience might question necessity, explain why a step is needed If demo(ing), have all materials needed ready!
Social Ritual Speeches Otherwise known as Occasion(al) Speeches, because they are given on special occasions Wedding toasts, Eulogies, presentations, acceptance speeches, commencement addresses, keynote speeches, impromptu speeches, and more fit here!
Planning your Informative Speech 1- Evaluate the Speaking Situation (Audience) 2 - Choose a Topic – can use Free Writing 3 - Choose the appropriate type of speech for your topic 4 – Research and know your topic