Chapter Overview Differentiates between the different types of informative speaking Covers the goals and strategies for each form of informative speech Discusses various situations where informative speaking is most likely to occur Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking CHAPTER TEN - INFORMATIVE SPEAKING
Consider informative and persuasive speaking as being on a continuum Informative speechpersuasive speech Continuum Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking INFORMATIVE SPEECH OVERVIEW
They can be about people Or, about places Objects can be things Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SPEECHES ABOUT OBJECTS
Are arranged chronologically Can be a “how to” speech Ex: Build a house Ex: Plan a wedding Ex: Produce a video Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SPEECHES ABOUT PROCESSES
Combine aspects of speeches about objects and processes Can cover time periods Different organizational patterns can be used Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SPEECHES ABOUT EVENTS
Should not try to persuade the audience Are about abstract things Can be about belief systems Or about values And, about attitudes Theoretical explanations can be a topic Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SPEECHES ABOUT CONCEPTS
Time must be spent to adequately detail and make the object relevant Ensure that the audience understands the language Pleasing visual aids should always be considered Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking STRATEGIES FOR OBJECT SPEECHES
Probably use a chronological/sequential pattern What is the processes' practical use? One thing builds and leads to another step in the process Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking STRATEGIES FOR PROCESSES
Major aspects of context are necessary The speaker should accurately present what happened Do not promote a particular point of view Use active voice Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking STRATEGIES FOR EVENTS
Difficult due to their abstract nature Connect topic to audience Examples make abstract concrete Arranged in topical fashion Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking STRATEGIES FOR CONCEPTS
Business meetings Employers and shareholders Board meetings Planning sessions Conventions Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SITUATIONS FOR INFORMATIVE SPEAKING
Education Professors in the classroom Students making reports/presentations Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SITUATIONS CONT.
Orientation programs Are about giving information on doing something Give step-by-step instruction Can be about training Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking SITUATIONS CONT.
There is no such thing as a strictly informative speech Chapter Ten - Informative Speaking FINALLY…