Chapter 23 Using Narrative
The role of the narrative Create images that connect with listeners Narratives evoke emotions Narratives instruct and inspire Narratives entertain Narratives put a human face on a general concept Narratives benefit the speaker
Composing the narrative Components of the narrative; character, action, and scene Narrative structure; setup, conflict, climax, and resolution True or hypothetical Urban legends
Incorporating the Narrative Narrative as an opening or closing device Narrative as supporting point Narrative as emotional proof Narrative as structure
Informative Speaking Chapter 27 Speaking to enhance knowledge of others
Five types First- object
People Celebrities Historically important figures Leaders, artists, inventors, pioneers, builders, etc. Need not be well known
Process Describes a series of actions or events like; How solar panels work How to prepare for a marathon How to hit a golf ball How wildfires are fought How contestants are chosen for reality shows
Speaking about an event Enlightens the audience about anything that has happened May happen Or will happen; 9/11 Woodstock Big Bang 2012 Olympics
Speaking about a concept Theories, ideas, impressions, attitudes, beliefs, and values. Aspects of life we cannot touch. Color blindness Utopia Hostile takeover Proxemics- Personal territory
Strategies to help listeners learn 1.Make it relevant 2.Less can be more 3.Organize your ideas for maximum engagement and focus (chap. 12, p. 199) 4.Explain, do not assume 5.Elaborate