Volunteer Management Webinar 18 October 2011
Welcome! “ How to make better use of the Media”
Katherine Hannah, BBC Radio Leeds Breakfast Presenter and Journalist
Background info about Katherine…
Caroline Shead, Harrogate Volunteer Centre
Which Media?
TV Benefits…. Budget Busting?? Suitable for Voluntary and charity groups?
Radio Benefits…. Cost Effective? Local or national audience?
Newspaper Benefits…. Cost Effective? Adverts or features? Online news?
Magazines… Benefits…. Cost Effective? Adverts or features? Niche markets?
Online… Benefits…. Virtually free You are the editor Limited audience?
Doing the ground work…
Research your audience Who are you approaching Getting the right contact details What do you want from them?
Stand out from the crowd
Are you doing something different or unusual People power! Good photo opportunities?
Become a TV star! Can TV come along and film? Being confident on air or on TV
Over to you… Are there any questions or advice your organisation would like Katherine to help you with?
Thank you! To Katherine, for giving her time freely to help us all out and offer us some fascinating advice and information
Thank you! The webinar will be available to download shortly – details will be ed out Date of next webinar to be confirmed but keep your eyes on the network!
Thank you! Thank you all for your time…