IDEF0 Modelling techniques SDLC - Analysis IDEF0 Modelling techniques
Why model processes? Modelling provides: Modelling costs: consensus on the form of existing processes consensus on what is to be changed Modelling costs: lots of time lots of effort
Modelling technique Dynamic technique to support the capture of process knowledge BPWin computer based tool that encapsulates particular syntax rules and symbols used to create the model
Architecture of processes Manage Processes Operate Processes Support Processes Set Direction Formulate Strategies Direct Business Get Order Develop Product Fulfil Order Support Product Manage Finance Support Personnel Manage Technology Corporate Learning
Operate processes
IDEF0 introduction Background Activities ICOMs Decomposition Consistency Node index IDEF0 Rules
IDEF0 background US military system analysis tool Developed during the 1970’s Part of Polaris programme Used to model missile development activities Modified for business use IDEF0, IDEF1.x, IDEF2, IDEF3
IDEF0 - activities What is actually done in the system order Get order Develop product design product Fulfil order Support product support
IDEF0 - ICOMs Inputs - physical or informational Output - physical or informational Mechanism - enables activity to occur Control - governs activity / transformation
IDEF - the box Activity (verb) Trigger / Control (noun) Output (noun) Input (noun) A1 Mechanism (noun)
IDEF0 - Context diagram C 1 I 1 Activity (verb) O 1 A1 M 1 A-0
IDEF0 - Top Level C 1 I 1 A1 A2 A3 O 1 A4 A0 M 1
IDEF0 - Decomposition A1 A2 A3 A4 A41 A42 A43
IDEF0 - Node Tree A0 System Transformation A1 High level process 1 A21 sub process 1 A22 sub process 2 A23 sub process 2 A3 High level process 3
IDEF0 - Rules Every box must have a control One diagram per page, 3-6 boxes Activities must be described by verbs All arrows must be labelled, including decomposed arrows Arrows may join or divide Arrows may be combined at higher levels and decomposed at lower levels
IDEF0 - the process What activities are being performed What inputs are being transformed into what outputs What influences/controls/triggers/ regulates/constrains these activities What means are required to perform these activities