National Urban Transport Modelling Workshop March 2008 Traffic Management and Microsimulation Rod Tudge RTA and Chris Wilson MWT
Goals of Workshop To identify how modelling can inform and maximise the success of urban congestion management interventions (infrastructure and non- infrastructure) To identify key issues for modelling each of the intervention areas identified above (including joint interventions), including impediments to their meeting their potential, and possible solutions/strategies for addressing these issues
Goals Cont’d To establish how we can use modelling to devise complementary infrastructure and non- infrastructure intervention packages to maximise long-term congestion benefits To formulate key recommendations for COAG To identify how modelling can inform and maximise the success of urban congestion management interventions (infrastructure and non- infrastructure)
Congestion The definitional Issue What is it? Where is it? Why is it there? What do we measure?
The Modelling Disconnect Demand models good at estimating total travel and mode share – but can’t model congestion effects and the direct cost Simulation and traffic (Operational) models can estimate cost and attributes of congestion but not the feed back to travel demand response to congestion
Modelling If you can model it you can measure it! Any data is a model A little data can inform a lot of modelling Never mind the source; feel the extent
What are we measuring congestion for? Car and Truck Travel times Stops Fuel Variability
Buses – What is Congestion? Waiting time Waiting time for late bus Waiting time after full bus In vehicle sitting In vehicle standing
The Relevance of Other Modes Taxis Hybrids Pedestrians Bikes
Rural Congestion When considered as a freight network – congestion can be a significant cost How long does it take a semi-trailer to overtake a B-Double? How do you measure - percentage vehicles bunching?
Time of Day What is important? Peak hour – journey to work Inter peak – high value business travel Counter peak – often dominated by freight vehicles (battling against peak direction traffic signal co-ordination)
Trip Purpose Journey to work business Business travel Freight Recreation
Sustainability Congestion Management for What Objective? Environmental Noise Pollution Are these measured differently?
Intervention Levels Understanding Necessary and Unnecessary Congestions Necessary congestion – gives the correct pricing signals for demand management Unnecessary congestion – a cost to the community (time, environmental, fuel etc)