Process Modelling and Knowledge Management in the Legislative Process Günther Schefbeck ECPRD Seminar „Digitisation of Parliamentary Information and Archives“ Part 1 Brussels, 30 May 2002
A legal enactment... traditional style
Legislative Processes Complex and multi-layered Highly formalized legal procedure (going back to 19th century) vs. Informal political decision-making process (semi-structured or negotiation process) Interaction of political and legal layers
The value of legislative processes “A business process is a collection of activities that takes one or more kinds of inputs and creates an output that is of value to the customer” (Hammer & Champy) What is the value of a law?
The value of laws Individual law: quality of content Rule of law: quality of justice (Aristotle: “Under the rule of law the chances for justice are better than under the rule of men”) Law produced in a democratic process: quality of legitimation (Luhmann: “legitimization by procedure”)
Rule of law in a democratic system Knowledge of laws as a prerequisite for acceptance of laws and law enforcement Transparency of the legislative process as a prerequisite for the acceptance of this process and its output Crucial function of publicity of laws and legislative processes
Transparency and democracy Means of parliamentary transparency public access to (plenary!) meetings media coverage print documentation are as young as democracy (or even younger: early 19th century) and have been given a new quality through the NICT in the 1990s
The IT impact 1970s: law documentation (mainframes) 1980s: documentation of legislative processes (mainframes … PCs) 1990s: electronic availability of data (metadata, full texts of documents, audio/video streaming) to the general public (PCs … Internet) Today: “electronification” of legislative processes Tomorrow: ?
Legislative processes and E- business/government functions Information Communication Transaction Communication and transaction functions have been made large-scale available through the Internet and Intranet applications
Five steps of electronic support of legislative processes Knowledge management Workflow management Improving the procedural quality Improving the output quality Improving the participatory quality
Process modelling Knowledge management: descriptive modelling (reduction of complexity) Workflow management: descriptive/prescriptive modelling (complex legal and administrative procedure) Future development: prescriptive modelling/process re-engineering (changing the legislative process, e.g. by introducing new instruments/steps)?
Present situation – functional variety Plain information systems Mixed systems combining information with aspects of communication/transaction Fully electronic workflow systems
Present situation – organizational variety Isolated systems of single parliamentary chambers Overall systems of (bicameral) Parliaments Integrated systems of all organs involved in the legislative process
Example: Switzerland (1) Workflow system introduced in 1998 Electronic production of all legislative documents System and format breach: Parliament Authenticity: paper document
Example: Switzerland (2) Functional view: electronic workflow system with derived information function, parliamentary information and production systems Organizational view: government system, Parliament involved as a “black box”
Example: Austria (1) Workflow system operational since 1 January 2002 Electronic production and transfer of all legislative documents System (but not format) breach: Parliament Authenticity: paper document/at least as to publication from 1 January 2003 on electronic document
Example: Austria (2) Functional view: electronic workflow system, governmental section using the existing Legal Information System as archival system, parliamentary section based on the existing Parliamentary Documentation System Organizational view: separated government and Parliament systems with interfaces
Way of federal legislation (simplified organizational view) Federal Minister Federal Government ParliamentFederal President Federal Chancellor Example: Austria (3-5)
Process steps Government bill Legal enactment Authentication Publication LIS Federal Minister Federal Government ParliamentFederal President Federal Chancellor Consultation Proposal to the Council of Ministers
Electronic workflow system Federal Minister Federal Government ParliamentFederal President Federal chancellor LIS
Improving the procedural quality Process modelling makes aware of capability of improvement Necessary amendment of rules of procedure (shift of paradigm towards autheticity of electronic documents) gives opportunity to improve procedures
Improving the output quality Legimatic systems for improving the formal quality of laws (checking the implementation of or implementing guidelines for legislation) Impact assessment and simulation systems for improving the material quality of legislation
Improving the participatory quality Already emerging standard solution: introducing new communication tools into the representative system Dichotomy indirect vs. direct democracy? Visionary concepts for intermediate democracy models … the discussion is opened