SIX STEPS TO EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING 1. Expectations 2. Pre-assessment 3. Assessment
4. Content 5. Strategies 6. Reflections
EXPECTATIONS Derived from current Ministry of Education Guidelines Can be modified as appropriate to reflect a students’ current I.E.P.
PRE-ASSESSMENT What do you know about the learners’ needs? What needs to be done to make the learning environment suitable for the lesson? What resources will be needed?
ASSESSMENT Backward design Tell the learner what he/she will know or be able to do at the end of the lesson. Determine how the learners will demonstrate their learning. Consider including choices to accommodate learning styles. Try to integrate assessment with expectations from other subject areas.
CONTENT Introduction – “hook” them! - See p.62 of Creating the Dynamic Classroom for some general motivation strategies Establishing the Learning - model, model, model!
STRATEGIES Move through the 4 Phases of Instruction - Motivation ( the hook) - New Learning ( model) - Consolidation ( use new learning in “near” contexts) - Application(s) ( use new learning in “far” or removed contexts) * Strategies can be accommodated for special needs.
REFLECTIONS Were expectations achieved? Were strategies effective? What should be done differently next time? Establish “next steps” for solidifying this learning.