Halliwell Befriending Service Charity No:
Join us and Make a Difference
Our service makes a difference: It changes lives; Raises hopes; Ensuring people are informed; Better able to make choices; Helping build confidence and Able to socialise.
Referrals to the service come from Professional Statutory Services, Family, Neighbours, Carers and the Person themselves.
We can offer visits when in hospital or Intermediate care
We Offer Company and Conversation One to one weekly visits to the housebound. Weekly respite for up to 3 hours for carers. Volunteer’s will accompany and escort to a hospital/GP or other appointments. We offer monthly drop-in’s and fortnightly luncheon clubs in a safe and low risk environment. Support and help at events. Friendship. Computer skills
Social Afternoon at Rivington Barn Funded by Systems One
Changing Lives Craft Sessions (Coming Soon) Halloween Drop-In Luncheon Club Coffee Morning at Eden Lodge
Activities Trip to Lowry Trip to Bents Garden Centre Volunteer Social Evening Service User’s Christmas Party
Steph Stather from DWS Training runs free Computer taster sessions every Thursday morning between 10 – 11:30 am at St. Pauls Community Room. Anyone welcome.
We are making a difference. We would like YOU to join us making a difference
Fundraising Events Rummage SaleFashion Show
We need people to:- Build a website and Manage it Adoption Management Expertise, Business Planning and Development Event Organising & Volunteers to Help with this Marketing Promotions & Publicity Donations to Raffle off at Fundraising Events Help with Renewing Office Equipment Transport
Organisational Chart John Sloan Chairman Philli Rawlinson Deputy Chair Ray Butcher Treasurer Peter Haulgh Deputy Treasurer Steph Stather Secretary Mavis Ellicot Management Committee Joan Horan Management Committee Graham Darcy Management Committee Barbara Tranter Management Committee Carol Fildes Co-Ordinator Jackie Hallen Co-Ordinator Gilian Hamilton Volunteer Fundraiser Gemma Masingiri Volunteer Fundraiser Community Volunteers
Thank You for Looking at this Presentation: If you would like to join us just contact Jackie or Carol At St Paul’s Community Room Halliwell Road Bolton BL1 8BP /