Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 1 WS-Reliability Pattern Ingrid Buckley Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering Florida Atlantic University Boca Raton, FL, USA September 11, 2008.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 2 Agenda Motivation Objective Introduction WS-Reliability Pattern Questions Recommendations
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 3 Motivation SOAP over HTTP is not sufficient when an application- level messaging protocol must also guarantee some level of reliability and security. Providing a convenient means to achieve reliable messaging in web services. To write a pattern that is helpful to programmers to aid them in designing and implementing WS-Reliability in a web service application.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 4 Objective To write a pattern that describes the WS-Reliability Standard.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 5 Introduction… WS-Reliability is a SOAP-based ([SOAP 1.1] and [SOAP 1.2 Part 1]) specification that fulfills reliable messaging requirements critical to some applications of Web Services. The WS-Reliability Standard has been defined by OASIS and has borrowed from the ebXML Message Service Specification 2.0 technology. SOAP over HTTP is not sufficient when an application- level messaging protocol must also guarantee some level of reliability and security. This specification defines reliability in the context of current Web Services standards.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 6 Introduction The WS-Reliability standard utilizes quality of service (QOS) contracts, and uses conditions attached to the invocation of a set of operations; namely deliver, submit, respond and notify[Oas04]. This specification has been designed for use in combination with other complementary protocols : –ebXML –SOAP –SOAP Message Security 1.0 –WS-I Basic Profile 1.1
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 7 WS-Reliability Pattern WS-Reliability Intent : WS-Reliability ensures that a notification is always sent in response to a failure, it also fulfils message ordering and duplicate elimination and guaranteed delivery, whenever messages are sent from one entity to another. This is done using Sending and Receiving Messaging Processors that send, receive, orders’ and eliminate duplicate messages. Context: Companies, B2B applications and critical infrastructure systems that to send and receive messages in real-time.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 8 WS-Reliability Pattern … Problem : Some applications need to have reliable messaging in order to fulfill their business operations effectively and successfully. Many companies offer services to consumers across the internet, which give rise to bandwidth, availability and reliability issues which can negatively affect the services being offered. How do we ensure that messages which are sent are delivered, acknowledged, sent in order, and without any duplication? The solution to this problem is affected by the following forces: –Many networks, in particular the internet have: 1.Dissimilar connection speeds on both sides( receiving and sending parties) can affect how quickly messages are sent and received. 2.Network traffic affects the time it takes a message to reach a recipient; this may increase the delay time for the messages and may change their order.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 9 WS-Reliability Pattern … Problem : –The receiving or sending party may become unavailable and some or all messages may not get sent or received. –Unordered and delayed messages can lead to problems for online transactions especially in banking systems and critical infrastructures such as avionics systems. – The response time to messages contributes to delay; when messages get lost or arrive to a recipient unordered, it may take more time to respond, thus increasing the delay time.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 10 Solution : Use a protocol that performs guaranteed message delivery with acknowledgement of failure, ordering and duplicate message elimination. This is achieved by first having an enforced agreement (a contract) between the sending and receiving parties, and the use of sending and receiving reliable message processors (RMPs) that send, deliver, order and eliminate duplicate messages. Structure: WS-Reliability Pattern …
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 11 Figure 1: Class Diagram for the WS-Reliability pattern
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 12 WS-Reliability Pattern … Structure: A contract (Figure 1) is defined which enforces the quality of service expected between the sending and receiving RMP as well as the terms of the relationship between the Producer and the Consumer. The contract includes a specification of the expected quality of service (QoS), which determines the quality of messaging service to the communicating parties, and also includes the Features which define the operations and rules which are expected. The ReliableMessagingProcessor (RMP) [Oas04] handles messages that are sent between a producer and a consumer and performs messaging as outlined in the contract in the form of requirements such as guaranteed delivery, duplicate message elimination, and message ordering.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 13 WS-Reliability Pattern … Structure: – Processes may have two ProcessRoles, the Producer role creates messages and sends them to the Sending RMP. – The Consumer role consumes messages that have been processed by the Receiving RMP. – A Message can be a Group Message or an Individual Message with varying attributes depending on the message used. –The MessageExchangePattern defines different modes of response which can be sent from the Consumer to the Receiving RMP in response to a previously received message.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 14 WS-Reliability Pattern … Dynamics: We describe the dynamics aspects of the WS-Reliability using a sequence diagram for the use case “Sending a reliable message”. Sending a reliable message (Figure 2): Summary: A producer wishes to send a message to a consumer. Actors: Producer, Consumer. Precondition: The producer and the consumer must have a defined contract/agreement prior to communicating with each other.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 15 WS-Reliability Pattern … Dynamics: Description: 1.The producer creates and submits one or more messages (group messages) to the Sending RMP to be sent to a consumer. 2.The Receiving-RMP receives the message from the Sending RMP and forwards it to the consumer. 3.The consumer acknowledges reception of the message by sending a response back to the Receiving RMP. 4.This response is delivered to the Receiving RMP which sends it to the sending-RMP which notifies (acknowledgement) the producer. Post-condition: The message has been delivered and the sender has been notified of its delivery.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 16 Figure 2: Sequence Diagram illustrating the sending and receiving of a Reliable message
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 17 WS-Reliability Pattern … Implementation : To implement the WS-Reliability, the following is required: –Obtain a RMP that can enforce a contract defined by communicating parties; this is necessary before messages can be exchanged between the producer and the consumer. –The RMP processor has to be a SOAP processor [Ebx02]. This type of processor specializes in handling soap messages, and includes an infrastructure that is capable of performing the reliable messaging requirements discussed earlier. The RMP could be an application, a queuing or logging system or database system.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 18 WS-Reliability Pattern … Consequences: The WS- Reliable pattern presents the following advantages: –Messages sent between end points can be controlled by means of the RMP which ensures delivery with acknowledgment, ordering, and duplicate elimination of messages. –Enterprises are able to obtain a higher degree of reliability for network communication because both parties confirm reception by an acknowledgment each time they communicate via a message. –Quality of service can be defined by contracts which can be maintained between businesses thus increasing reliability and supporting the accountability of business partners. –Policies can be attached to the contracts that govern the modus operandi agreed to by all communicating parties. –Sends a notification if the consumer becomes unavailable during transmission of a reliable message.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 19 WS-Reliability Pattern … Consequences: The pattern also has some possible liabilities: –Introduces a high time overhead due to the extraction and checking done between components. Because the messages and responses to a messages are passed between several components and not directly to the recipient or producer of the message; this process increases the time it takes the message to be delivered to the recipient and the time it takes to send the corresponding notification back to the producer of the message. –The WS-Reliability pattern increases complexity in the system.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 20 WS-Reliability Pattern Known Uses : Reliable Messaging for Grid Services (RM4GS) [Fuj04], an open source middleware application produced by Fujitsu Limited, Hitachi, Ltd., and NEC Corporation. Related patterns: The WS-Reliability sends acknowledgements to confirm receipt of a message as a part of its solution, this can be done using the Acknowledgment pattern [Buc08], I am Alive [Sar02] and Are you Alive [Sar02] patterns. The Strategy pattern [Gam96] can be used as a part of the implementation of the RMP to manipulate algorithms used to implement the reliable messaging requirements. Ordering and Elimination are possible patterns which could be used as a part of the implementation of the RMP to order and eliminate duplicate messages.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 21 Future Work Fault-Tolerance Patterns – Active Replication : Technique for error masking WS-ReliableMessaging Standard – ReliableMessaging Pattern
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 22 References [Axw07] Axway,“Synchrony Gateway, gateway.php, [Bea07] BEA, “BEA WebLogic® Integration 10.2”, ?CNT=overview.htm&FP=/content/products/weblogic/integrate/, [Buc08] I. Buckley, E.B Fernandez, “A Survey of Fault Tolerance Patterns”, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Florida Atlantic University, [Ebx02] OASIS, “ebXML Messaging Service TC 2.0”, April, [For08] Forum Systems Inc., “Introduction to SOA Gateways: Best Practices. Benefits & Requirements”, _SOA_Gateway_v2.pdf, May, [Fuj04] Fujitsu Limited, Hitachi, Ltd., NEC Corporation, “RM4GS Overview”, March, [Fuj08] Fujitsu Limited, “INTERCHANGE”, software/interstage, [Gam94] E. Gamma, R. Helm, R. Johnson, J. Vlissides. Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Addison-Wesley, Boston, Mass., [Oas04] OASIS, “Web Services Reliable Messaging TC WS-Reliability 1.1”, reliability/v1.1/wsrm-ws_reliability-1.1-spec-os.pdf, [Sar02] T. Saridakis, “A System of Patterns for Fault Tolerance”, Procs. of EuroPLoP FaultTolerance.pdf, 2002.
Secure Systems Research Group - FAU 23 Recommendations and Questions Feedback: