Watlington Memorial Club AGM 28 th Sept 2015
Agenda 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Minutes of AGM 25 th September Chairman’s Report 4. Treasurer’s Report and 2014/15 Accounts 5. Section Reports 6. Any other business 7. Close AGM Update on The Watlington Club FY15/16 Inc. Bar status, Grant, Car Park, Function room Date of 2016 TWC AGM
Apologies for Absence Minutes of AGM 25 th September 2014
Chairman’s report Dave Parkes
Charity Structure This meeting is the AGM for The Watlington Memorial Club for FY Apr14/Apr15. Registered charity We are in the process of closing down this Charity as we transition to the new one For FY Apr15 onwards we are operating under The Watlington Club CIO. Registered charity We will provide an update on the first half of FY15/16 after the AGM has completed
Board of Trustees Dave Parkes - Chairman Graham Smith – Treasurer Cate Hewetson-Smith – Secretary George Bruce – Bowls Chair Mike Staples – Tennis Chair Pam Mundy– Squash Chair Mike Vincent – Advisor Henry Wancke - Advisor
Achievements A club that attracts local sporting participants across Tennis, Squash, Racket-ball, Bowls, Dance, Judo, Tai Chi and Pilates A club that heavily subsidises costs for many of those sports to ensure it’s inclusive for all and has high participation rates. A club that is at the heart of sporting and community activities
Achievements (cont.) Successful transition made on 1 st April 15 to The Watlington Club CIO – further info to follow Contract working well for outsourcing of Main Building property management to Griffith&Partners: Proactive maintenance Better policies and testing for safety of gas, electrics and fire alarms/extinguishers Less surprises and easier to forecast costs! Efficient mgmt of finding business and residential tenants. All offices and flats fully occupied for the first time in many years
Achievements (cont.) New Secretary and Squash Chair appointed as we put together the new CIO Board Two Board advisors appointed Main club revenues up 16% and overall Charity up by 8%. Costs for both are down so way more profitable this year. More younger members: Performanze dance studio now has 140+ children registered and regularly attending Tennis attracting 100+ juniors Scouts, Cubs and Beavers successful with waiting list Judo has approx. 35 children regularly attending
Achievements (cont.) With more stable finances and building maintenance we were able to focus on developing expansion plans and more charitable goals We have made progress, although still work to do, on building “one club” rather than four sections. Common tools and processes Openness on finances and possibilities with cash reserves Joint planning and forecasting
Current issues/priorities To make the Bar, Georgian room and Function room the heart of an inclusive social club The main club roofing issues mean that we need to undertake major repairs and maintenance The membership process is being reviewed with plans for new on-line system with automated renewals and payments Business development plan in place to further increase revenues and membership levels The main club is mainly run by just 3 people. We need further help and skills to accelerate our development plans
Current issues/priorities (cont.) Development of links to school, councils and other public bodies Very low Squash membership and usage. Down to approx. 30 members over the last 2 years Still issues to resolve with Bowls about being “one club”
Thanks Finally, I believe that we had a very good year and would like to thank the Board of Trustees. They all give up much of their free time and show a huge amount of dedication to the Club. We are making great progress and they are to be thanked for that.
Treasurer’s Report and 2015 Accounts Graham Smith
Overview of audited accounts Hard copies of our complete accounts are available today but I would just like to go through the key points in this presentation These Accounts are for the year ended - 31 st March 2015 Our accounts contain two sets of numbers One for the main club One for the whole charity including sections Three years of financial data are shown for comparison
Independent Examiners Report - Page 1 This will be a signed confirmation from our auditor that the accounts have been examined by him and that they are a true and fair view of the financial status of the charity. By law, he can only formally sign them once they have been approved by the members today signed by the Trustees I have written confirmation that he has completed his review and will sign them after they have been approved at this meeting
Main Club – Profit and Loss - Page 3 Income For the 1 st time in 4 years our income has increased as we have been able to rent out the majority of our facilities Expenses Most items consistent with previous year £20k on maintenance & renovation – the wall, roof repairs and asbestos removal.
Main Club – Profit and Loss - Page 3 Expenses continued £4k spent on outsourcing our property management we are moving to a proactive maintenance plan rather that just fire fighting. The benefits of this are steadily being realised as we have had no major incidents in the last year We will continue to upgrade the fabric of the building when money is available
Main Club – Balance Sheet – Page 3 Assets Our profit this year has resulted in an increased cash balance Rental debtors are all cleared Liabilities Creditors at reduced levels since mortgage paid off in 2012 One tenant has paid in advance
Charity – Profit and Loss – Page 4 Income Slight reduction in section income offset by increase from main club Expenses No major expenditure this year on repairs and maintenance All other expenses similar to previous years The charity is profitable
Charity – Balance Sheet – Page 5 Assets Our cash reserves have increased Liabilities Creditors at normal level The whole Charity does have money but we need large sums to bring our facilities up to standard and to generate more income to safeguard our future
Notes to Accounts – Pages 6 to 9 Accounting policies This is the basis on which are accounts are prepared Main Notes 2 and 3 Fixed assets 4 - analysis of debtors 6 - LTA loan – interest free 7 – analysis of creditors 13 – insurance valuation of £3.5m
Financial controls During the year we have also implemented a web based accounting system for the whole club We have a better understanding of the club finances We have a constant approach All data is safely stored and backed up On line reports available to all Trustees Improved debt collection
Example of new system reports
Financial Controls & Thank You We have put in place controls to safeguard our assets (cash) and financial future All payments need two signatures Detailed monthly accounts produced 3 year cash forecast updated every month Schedule of major repairs and renovations We endeavour to pay all supplier within terms I would like to thank the section treasurers for their continued support and for making my life easier Tennis – Ken, Squash – Roger/Pam, Bowls - Peter
Questions & Vote Any Questions? Vote To approve our Financial Statements for the year to March 2015 and authorise Trustees to sign them
Update on change of status to Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
CIO status Transition to a Charity Commission CIO approved unanimously at special meeting on 24th July 2014 Our application was submitted on 8 th Sept 2014 We had many questions from them about our Charitable worth and how we met our objectives Approval finally given on 24 th Feb 2015 New Charity went live on 1 st April 2015 New bank accounts set up with online approvals Supplier and customers notified Trustee declaration signed
CIO - continued We are now working towards closing the old charity as quickly as we can, the open issues are Approval of Accounts and minutes at this AGM Transfer of title deeds to CIO All documents have been signed by relevant Trustees – not as easy as you may think Documents currently with our solicitor for registration Closure of WMC with Charities Commission
Tennis Section report Mike Staples
Tennis The tennis club has had another good year. We currently have a total of 236 members: 82 adults, 34 seniors, 84 juniors 2 students, 1 unemployed 18 minis and 15 accompanying adults. This is the highest membership over the last 5 years. General membership fees are held as low as possible to make sure that all in Watlington can afford to join. In addition, there are reduced fees for juniors, minis, students, old age pensioners and unemployed to ensure that the club is inclusive for the entire population. Overall, there is healthy balance between male and female, young and old.
Tennis (cont.) The courts, although in an acceptable condition, for now, will require resurfacing in the next 1 to 2 years. We are researching different surfaces in order that we might take advantage of advances in technology in order to get the best combination of playability, comfort, low maintenance and acceptable capital cost. A permanent sinking fund is in place specifically reserved for this purpose as the club clearly cannot continue to function without safe and tournament-standard courts. Funds are also allocated for long-term replacement of the pavilion and floodlights. We have applied for a grant from SODC; however, without this grant, there are no surplus funds over the foreseeable future.
Tennis (cont.) We ran the usual two American tournaments in the spring and autumn plus the club summer knockout tournament, which finished with the finals day and barbecue on September 12 th. This year’s autumn tournament, played for the Eileen May Rump memorial cup, will be played on Sunday 11 th October. We entered men’s, ladies and mixed teams in the Thames Valley Winter and summer doubles leagues. Currently, in the summer leagues, the Men's A team is 7 th in Division 7, Ladies A is 7 th in Division 6 and the Mixed team is lying 5th in Division 6. In the 2014/15 winter leagues, the Men’s A finished 8th in Division 5, Ladies A 6th in Division 3 and Ladies B were 14 th in Division 5. Some of these results suffer from the fact that the teams had over-achieved last year and have been promoted to stiffer competition.
Tennis (cont.) The club has continued to promote junior activity through regular weekly junior coaching events run by members and participation in the club tournament at two age levels, as well as a Parent and Child tournament. This year, the junior tournament was played on 4 th September, with the older juniors’ final being played with the adults on finals day. Adult and junior coaching continues to be available privately through Mandy Nall. The Tennis section also ran a quiz and a Christmas dinner, both of which were very well attended. The primary aim of these events is social, although they do cover their costs.
Tennis (cont.) The tennis section actively supported the Memorial Club on its journey of transformation into the Watlington Club through integration of systems and the promotion of a common purpose. The annual general meeting of the Tennis Club will be held in the Watlington Club hall on Thursday 15 th October at 20:00.
Bowls Section report George Bruce
Bowls This year has again been an excellent one for our Section and, as Chairman, it has been a pleasure to be part of it. The overall standards of green, clubhouse and quality of play continue to rise. We have done well in our leagues and our players continue to represent the County and County u-25’s. Once again we had young players from all the County coming to our special competition day which the Club organises for them. When the present Main Club was re-established at the end of the 60’s our Section had already been going for well over 30 years and used a local pub, now closed, for refreshments. An ex-prefab erected in the early 60’s served us well until 2004 when the new pavilion was built. We hope that under the auspices of the new Club and new Charity we will continue to flourish.
Squash Section report Pam Mundy
Squash Over the last year the Squash Section has been looking at ways of increasing the use of the courts. We have implemented a “pay-as-you-go” system and we are very pleased to say that it is now being used. Our next step is to widen our advertising to try and encourage people back into the club. The cost of our membership fees and light tokens remain the same making it very affordable to play at the club. We hope to continue to be able to provide this facility for Watlington.
Squash (cont.) We fully support all of the changes at the Main Club and hope that it will also help to increase the usage of the squash courts. Unfortunately we have had a few major repair issues at the courts and are in the process of replacing the boiler system and having the men's shower room refurbished. We have applied for funding to have one of the courts completely refurbished and in light of the recent cost of the repairs to the building this will be a very useful pot of money for the Squash Section if it is successful.
Any Other Business
Closing of the AGM
Update on The Watlington Club – Apr to Sept 15
The Bar Lease status The Bar was vacated at the end of May We had a specific set of criteria to meet for potential new clients as well as a pricing structure We advertised and had a number of discussions At the start of Sept we had firm interest from a local couple with experience in running bars/restaurants After several very good meetings, on 11 th Sept they made a verbal offer On 18 th Sept, the Board unanimously approved their offer
The Bar Lease status Our solicitor is now drafting the contract and G&P are doing the relevant background and financial checks If the contract is signed, the new tenant then will undertake 3 weeks of refurbishment and redecoration of the front bar, Georgian room, kitchen and toilets The front room will operate as a bar The Georgian room will become a Bistro offering food and wines from lunchtime onwards The tenants will support the sporting sections as well as the main hall functions
Grants In June, we were advised that we could obtain a capital grant from SODC. Thanks to Anna Badcock! We put a plan together to cover – resurfacing of tennis courts, refurbishment of one squash court, new cellar roof, No 18 roof repairs, redecoration of the function room and redecoration of the front of the building The on-line application as submitted in late July In early Sept we were on the shortlist to present to the SODC committee In mid Sept we were informed that we have been recommended by the committee for the grant We now await final confirmation from the SODC Cabinet member to get a grant of £39k Thanks to the Board as well as Ken King for doing this so quickly
Car Park We continue to plan for the overflow car park to be professionally surfaced, marked out and secured. These spaces will then be available for local residents and businesses to lease. Pay back on the investment will be approx. 2 years. After that, it will provide the club with significant funds to re-invest in maintaining and expanding the site We will also redevelop and expand the main car park to ensure it provides maximum spaces for members
The Function Room The room has been underutilised for a long time We have, for an initial trial period, made the function room free for both Charity and Volunteer organisations. This is starting to gain momentum e.g. Watlington in Bloom, Watlington Pre-school In the function room, we have added Pilates to our list of sports and will soon also have Chair Based Exercises for the elderly We now have the following recurring bookings - Pilates, Tai Chi, Tai Chi for 50+, Slimming World, Royal British Legion, Judo and Chair Based Exercises (as of 30 th Sept)
Various Successfully operating under the new CIO constitution and governance model We are working with Scouts around signing a long term agreement with them. Four options are on the table We are looking into the possibility of a Gym and Spin area. Any comments? Are you interested? Is it something that the community needs?
Date for the first Watlington Club CIO AGM
Dates We have regularly held the AGM at the end of September. This is six months after the closure of the Financial year and we believe it needs to be moved forward to be more relevant. We are now proposing the AGMs be at the end of June. A date of Thursday 30 th June 2016 is proposed
End of meeting Thank you for attending!