Behavioral Modeling: Sequence and Communication Diagrams Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Copyright © 2005 Pearson Education Copyright © 2009 Kannan Mohan CIS 4800 Kannan Mohan Department of CIS Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College
Learning Objectives Develop interaction diagrams based on the principles of object responsibility and use case controllers Develop sequence diagrams to model scenarios Develop communication diagrams and understand the difference between sequence and communication diagrams Explain the relationship between the behavioral models and the structural and functional models.
Behavioral Models Systems have static &dynamic characteristics – Structural models describe the static aspects of the system – Behavioral models describe the dynamics and interactions of the system and its components Behavioral models describe how the classes described in the structural models interact in support of the use cases.
Sequence Diagrams Illustrate the objects that participate in a use- case Show the messages that pass between objects for a particular use-case
Sequence Diagram Syntax
More Sequence Diagram Syntax
Use case to System Sequence diagram (SSD) Typical course of events: Actor ActionSystem Response 1. Customer inserts card 1.1 System asks for PIN 2. Customer enters PIN 2.1 System validates PIN (validate PIN use case is used here) 2.2 If PIN correct, system asks for type of transaction 3. Customer selects ‘Withdraw cash’ 3.1 System asks for account type 4. Select Ac Type4.1 Request Amount 5. Enter Amount5.1 Check Availability 5.2 Dispense Cash
Sequence for Look Up Item Availability
Place Order with Catalog
Designing with Communication Diagrams Communication diagrams and sequence diagrams – Both are interaction diagrams – Both capture same information Which one to create first is designer’s personal preference – Sequence diagram – because use case descriptions and dialog follow sequence of steps – Communication diagram – highlights coupling
Communication Diagram Notation
Communication Diagram – Place Order
Updating the Design Class Diagram Based on what you add in your sequence diagrams, you should update your class diagram New objects, messages, etc. that are used in sequence diagram should match their corresponding classes and methods in class diagram
Summary What is a use case realization? What are interaction diagrams? What are sequence diagrams? What are communication diagrams? Develop sequence and communication diagrams for a given scenario.