1 Work Package 3.  The main objective of this WP is to improve the knowledge of NCPs in pre-screening FP7 environment proposals  The aim is to decrease.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Work Package 3

 The main objective of this WP is to improve the knowledge of NCPs in pre-screening FP7 environment proposals  The aim is to decrease the number of out of scope of the call proposals and to improve the quality of those which are submitted

 Task 3.1: Preparation of training materials ◦ D3.1: Training material on proposal pre-screening (M24)  Task 3.2: Developing a tool for pre-screening proposals ◦ D3.2: Pre-screening tool (M12)  Task 3.3: Feedback of using the pre-screening tool and its updates ◦ D3.3: Questionnaire to evaluate the proposal pre- screening tool (M12) ◦ D3.4: Report of the evaluation of the pre-screening tool (after calls )

Aim  A complete set of training materials on proposal pre- screening for use in the WP1 training courses. Presentations will be produced and will be backed up with exercises to provide practical experiences for the NCPs being trained.

Progress so far  In collaboration with the Dutch NCP, the training was delivered at the last partner meeting in Malta.  A series of presentations and exercises were developed based on the pre-screening tool.  A summary handbook/guide has been developed and is available on the website.

 Provides a background and the structure of the advice and guidance given  Show the stages of the proposal the tool can be used for  Lists the documents you should use in conjunction with the tool Project idea Call search (topic) Outline Project Concept Partner Search Proposal Preperation Pre-ScreeningFinal ScreeningSubmissionEvaluation by ECNegotiationsProject Start Introduction to the Pre-screening Tool

Pre-screening  Shows the different types of advice/guidance and how it is presented in the tool ◦ Formal Guidance ◦ Common Errors ◦ Good Practice ◦ What the Evaluator Looks For ◦ Checklist ◦ Model Answers

ENV-NCP-TogetherIntroduction to EU Research Funding8 Formal Guidance Explain the concept of your project. What are the main ideas that led you to propose this work? Describe in detail the S&T objectives. Show how they relate to the topics addressed by the call, which you should explicitly identify. The objectives should be those achievable within the project, not through subsequent development. They should be stated in a measurable and verifiable form, including through the milestones that will be indicated under section 1.3 below.

Training  Fit to Call  Demonstrates how to breakdown a topic description into the core elements  Provides an example and an exercise with answers.

Training  Milestones and Deliverables  Provides an explanation and describes how they are used in proposals  Gives examples  Includes an exercise on identifying milestones and deliverables from a mixed list

Training  Impact  Emphasises the importance of this (often neglected) section  Exercise involves writing a dissemination work package for a fictitious project  Provides guidance on the areas that need to be considered.

Aim  To develop and support NCPs in the activity of pre- screening proposals through a tool for all projects in FP7  The pre-screening tool will be a handbook that will provide ◦ Comments on the different sections of a proposal ◦ A model response ◦ Checklists that can be used to ensure all aspects of the proposal have been addressed. 3.2: Developing a Tool for Pre-screening proposals D3.2: Pre-screening tool

Progress so far  A pre-screening tool has been developed for the following types of proposals ◦ Collaborative proposals – stage 1new ◦ Collaborative proposals – stage 2updated ◦ Collaborative proposal –stage 2, short version ◦ Coordination and Support Actions ◦ Coordination and Support Actions, short version v1 ◦ Management guidance 3.2: Developing a Tool for Pre-screening proposals D3.2: Pre-screening tool

Collaborative proposals – stage 1 3.2: Developing a Tool for Pre-screening proposals D3.2: Pre-screening tool

Collaborative proposals – stage 2 Updates include:  Examples of the A forms  Restructure of the financial section  General Checklist

ENV-NCP-TogetherIntroduction to EU Research Funding16 Collaborative proposals – stage 2

ENV-NCP-TogetherIntroduction to EU Research Funding17 Collaborative proposals – stage 2

3.3: Feedback of using the pre- screening tool & its updates D3.3: Questionnaire to evaluate the proposal pre- screening tool Aim  To get feedback on the pre-screening tool using a questionnaire after the call deadline. D3.4: Report of the evaluation of the pre-screening tool Aim  A report will be generated based upon the questionnaire responses that will contain recommendations for the improvement of the pre-screening tool. The tool will then be updated in line with the report’s recommendations.

c Beta Technology 3.3: Feedback of Using the Pre- screening Tool & its Updates  NCPs were asked to review the pre-screening tool following its use on proposals for the ENV2011 call  A questionnaire was circulated and we had 9 responses (plus 1 incomplete)

Lior Ben Artzi - Gershon – ISERD, Isreal Anabela Carvalho – GPPQ, Portugal Katerina Kari – EIC, Cyprus Detelin Markov – Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria Paola Materia – APRE, Italy Stefanie Pietsch – FZ Jülich, Germany JF Renault – FZ Jülich, Germany Alain Straus – FFG, Austria Meltem Unlu Tokcaer – TÜBİTAK, Turkey ENV-NCP-TogetherIntroduction to EU Research Funding20

 Based on the feedback received, a number of modifications have been made to the document. These changes include:  Inclusion of contingency planning  Making the financial part less objective  Development of a general check-list  Development of a separate tool for the two-stage proposal process, i.e. a tool specifically for first stage proposals. 3.3: Feedback of Using the Pre- screening Tool & its Updates

Feedback on both the full length version and the short version of the pre-screening tool indicated:  In general, NCPs are happy with the tools and find them useful in helping to screen proposals prior to submission  NCPs felt that the tool had improved since the first review, being more complete, with more useful information in it  The inclusion of hyperlinks make the tool more user friendly 3.3: Feedback of Using the Pre- screening Tool & its Updates

 A request for feedback on the pre-screening tool will be sent out in the next couple of weeks  Please tell us what you think and how it could be improved.  Link to the questionnaire will be sent via the Xtranet