Partnership Advisory Group 4, Rome Evaluating progress and process.


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Presentation transcript:

Partnership Advisory Group 4, Rome Evaluating progress and process

Independent Evaluation : the ASGM partnership area: –One of the largest partnership areas –Complex technical and social issues –Many actions already underway –Potential for considerable impact terms of reference Identification of the partnership area’s main achievements, challenges and lessons learned to date, including: Identification of the partnership area’s main achievements, challenges and lessons learned to date, including: –Partnership outcomes –Partnering processes –Communications and participation Guidance to: Guidance to: –improve communication between partners, –enhance the participation and engagement of current and prospective partners (in particular the private sector)

Methodology 12 people consulted via & face-to-face interviews: 12 people consulted via & face-to-face interviews: –Academic (2), Civil Society (3), Government (4), Intergovernmental (2) & Private Sector (1) Attended 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant in Halifax, Canada Attended 10th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant in Halifax, Canada Review of relevant documentation & websites Review of relevant documentation & websites Follow-up online survey of draft findings & recommendations: Follow-up online survey of draft findings & recommendations: –34 respondents: Academic (3), Civil society (8), Government (15), Intergovernmental (6) & Private sector (2)

Type I: formal, negotiated commitments between governments Type I: formal, negotiated commitments between governments Type II: non-negotiated partnerships between governments, intergovernmental agencies, private sector and civil society Type II: non-negotiated partnerships between governments, intergovernmental agencies, private sector and civil society “…voluntary and collaborative relationships between various parties, both public and non- public, in which all participants agree to work together to achieve a common purpose or undertake a specific task and, as mutually agreed, to share risks and responsibilities, resources and benefits…” Understanding UN Partnerships

What is a Strategic Partnership? Key indicators of an effective strategic partnership: Key indicators of an effective strategic partnership: –Agreement on a common agenda within a unified framework of action with a set of shared goals –Evidence of sharing & exchanging resources & information, maximizing value of all partner contributions –Realization of each partner’s specific organizational priorities & objectives –Achievement of results that one partner working alone could not achieve –Delivery of new, expanded or improved programmes & projects

Level of Interdependence & Blurred Branding Different Dynamics & Constructs Building Partnerships for Development in Water & Sanitation (BPD) Greater Commitments Level of Risk and Reward Generally more specific deliverables Different accountabilities Joint Ventures & New Institutions PartnershipsProjectsDialogue

Partnership Objectives Building Partnerships for Development in Water & Sanitation (BPD) Changing SystemsChanging Behaviours Capacity Building Infrastructure Service Provision Systemic ChangeSpecific Task-Oriented Assistance Partnerships can focus on a range of different objectives & can evolve or overlap: achieve a specific task such as developing infrastructure or new services capacity-build (e.g. train local government officials or community workers) change behaviours (e.g. educate about HIV/AIDS prevention) work for broader policy change (e.g. through new legislation)

The Partnership Cycle 1. Preparation 2. Start-up 3. Maintenance 4. Mainstreaming & Further Action 1.1 Reviewing the context 1.2 Selecting partners 1.3 Assessing incentives 2.1 Agreeing roles/responsibilities 2.2 Setting up mechanisms for working together 2.3 Allocating resources 2.4 Signing a partnership agreement 3.1 Promoting accountability 3.2 Ensuring engagement 4.1 Institutionalizing 4.2 Exiting/moving on Source: Leda Stott, Consultant in Cross-sector Partnerships, Madrid

What is the ASGM Partnership?

ASGM advocacy network & communication channel ASGM advocacy network & communication channel ASGM information generator & think-tank ASGM information generator & think-tank ASGM awareness-raising instrument: ASGM awareness-raising instrument: –Health protection of mining & surrounding communities –Reduction of global impacts –Sector as ‘job provider’ –Social responsibility potential Annual ASGM stakeholder engagement meeting Annual ASGM stakeholder engagement meeting ASGM data clearing house & information exchange platform ASGM data clearing house & information exchange platform Means of identifying different ASGM needs & challenges Means of identifying different ASGM needs & challenges Vehicle for implementing effective & available solutions Vehicle for implementing effective & available solutions Post-INC: capacity building to meet obligations of parties Post-INC: capacity building to meet obligations of parties

Successful Partnership Outcomes Raised Awareness about socio-economic development history & potential of sector Raised Awareness about socio-economic development history & potential of sector Emerging global database on activities & products Emerging global database on activities & products Global Forum: effective, multi-stakeholder process Global Forum: effective, multi-stakeholder process Positive communication with miners & communities Positive communication with miners & communities National strategic plans & mercury inventories National strategic plans & mercury inventories Encouraging stories from the Philippines: Encouraging stories from the Philippines: –national multi-stakeholder consultation in neutral space –progressive & engaged Dept. of Environment leadership Broadened focus: mining & processing dimensions, fair-mined gold label Broadened focus: mining & processing dimensions, fair-mined gold label Enhanced northern government engagement Enhanced northern government engagement Resource mobilization for Francophone Africa Resource mobilization for Francophone Africa

Successful Partnership Outcomes

Challenges to Partnership Outcomes

Effective Partnering Processes list serve list serve Global Forum as potential model for replication on annual basis Global Forum as potential model for replication on annual basis Global Forum & strategic planning projects as opportunities to generate collaborative ASGM approaches Global Forum & strategic planning projects as opportunities to generate collaborative ASGM approaches Access to ASGM colleagues working in field Access to ASGM colleagues working in field Mobilization of influential ASGM experts with field experience Mobilization of influential ASGM experts with field experience Action-oriented regional workshops useful for: Action-oriented regional workshops useful for: –cross-ministry government participation –engagement of other appropriate stakeholders (i.e., miner associations) Concrete projects provide: Concrete projects provide: –focus at country level –mobilize key actors (particularly national governments)

Challenges to Partnership Processes

Priorities for Action Broaden membership by partner type & geography Broaden membership by partner type & geography Strengthen relationships with selected partners Strengthen relationships with selected partners Adopt a more holistic ‘sustainable development’ approach to ASGM & communicate this vision to all current partners & relevant stakeholders Adopt a more holistic ‘sustainable development’ approach to ASGM & communicate this vision to all current partners & relevant stakeholders Review leadership/management structure & approach to strengthen partnership processes & outcomes Review leadership/management structure & approach to strengthen partnership processes & outcomes Consider updating business plan in light of potential new structure/approach Consider updating business plan in light of potential new structure/approach Present the (new) business plan & concrete project proposals to World Bank, GEF, foundations, key bilateral donors Present the (new) business plan & concrete project proposals to World Bank, GEF, foundations, key bilateral donors Recruit new private sector partners that can bring new resources/competencies to work in significant ASGM countries Recruit new private sector partners that can bring new resources/competencies to work in significant ASGM countries

Key Conclusions & Next Steps Governance and management structure in place & revised business plan already developed Governance and management structure in place & revised business plan already developed Ensure that strong leadership is maintained over the long term by exploring potential to have full-time co-ordinator Ensure that strong leadership is maintained over the long term by exploring potential to have full-time co-ordinator Highlight best practice examples of effective partnership communication, participation and resource mobilization (i.e., appropriate role models) Highlight best practice examples of effective partnership communication, participation and resource mobilization (i.e., appropriate role models) Emphasize need to leverage success & sell proposals to prospective donors (some who may wish to become partners) Emphasize need to leverage success & sell proposals to prospective donors (some who may wish to become partners) Identify solutions that focus more on the challenges in achieving partnership outcomes Identify solutions that focus more on the challenges in achieving partnership outcomes