Anette Jahn Head of Sector, Renewable Unit Assembly of European Regions Brussels, 21 April 2010 Intelligent Energy Europe
Intelligent Energy – Europe in a nutshell €730 million from ~ 56 mio EUR for projects in 2010 (50-55 projects) Supports EU renewable energy and energy efficiency policies and helps reach the 2020 targets Encourages the uptake of proven intelligent energy solutions Is not a technology development programme, unlike FP7
A programme to help convert policy into action Real changes on the ground EU energy efficiency and renewables objectives Creating and spreading effective methods and best practice Training and education Know-how transfer Market intelligence Inform policy development and implementation
Wanted: projects with a big impact! What it is that you want to achieve? What leverage will your project have? What will be different when it is finished?
«Promotion and dissemination project»? matches the priorities of the IEE Work Programme 2010 involves at least 3 partners from different countries (EU27, Croatia, Norway, Iceland, or Liechtenstein)* * check website for new countries takes 2 to maximum 3 years to deliver is not a “hardware” type investment or research & development project! A project which…
Local & Regional initiatives Covenant of Major‘s Initiative – local authorities go beyond EU‘s 2020 targets – 1/3 of the EU population is signed up Sustainable Energy Communities (SEC) >> 150 Sustainable Energy Action Plans European Networking for Local Action (ENLA) >> 10 projects on Campaigning, Link to Structural Funds Creation of Local Energy Agencies >> 80 Agencies established in 23 countries Managenergy Initiative >> Tools and services for local and regional authorities and energy agencies
The 2010 call for proposals Call publication: 23 March 2010 Deadline for applying: 24 June 2010 – 17:00 Brussels time Notification of applicants: Mid-December 2010 Contracts signature: April 2011
Funding areas 2010 Energy efficiency (SAVE) Energy-efficient transport (STEER) Renewable energy sources (ALTENER) Integrated initiatives
Funding areas 2010 Energy efficiency (SAVE) Energy-efficient transport (STEER) Renewable energy sources (ALTENER) Integrated initiatives Buildings Consumer behaviour
Funding areas 2010 Energy-efficient transport Capacity building + learning Energy efficiency (SAVE) Energy-efficient transport (STEER) Renewable energy sources (ALTENER) Integrated initiatives
Funding areas 2010 Energy efficiency (SAVE) Energy-efficient transport (STEER) Renewable energy sources (ALTENER) Integrated initiatives RES electricity (and CHP) RES in buildings Bioenergy
Renewable Energy – Indicators to measure success Additional Renewable installations triggered in MWh (RES Electricity) Number of MS/ Regions / Muncipalities in which autorisation procedures have been revised (RES Electricity) Additional RES installations triggered during and after the action (MWh per year of new RE supplies) (RES in Buildings) Additional sustainable biomass, biofuels, biogas put into the market (Bioenergy) Evidence that project has influenced policies, rules or procedures
Energy efficiency (SAVE) Energy-efficient transport (STEER) Renewable energy sources (ALTENER) Integrated initiatives Funding areas 2010 Local energy leadership Financing intelligent energy in housing
Local Leadership - Indicators to measure success Number of local / regional jobs created/maintained in the sustainable energy sector Number of local authorities' staff with increase capacity and involved in networking activities Number of new Sustainable Energy Action plans delivered Increase in local / regional GDP / local business activity, as a result of implementation of SEAPs Tons of CO2 equivalent reductions, energy savings reached and renewable energy capacity installed, during the project’s duration and results expected after SEAP implementation
Project Examples: Consumer Behaviour Renewables in Buildings Bio-energy Local Action
Project example: Energy Trophy + Objective: a competition to save energy in offices through simple no- cost means 2007/2008 competition: 158 firms from 17 countries Massive media campaign Results: 11% energy saved in average (17.8 GWh over a year) employees involved Saving energy in the office: so easy, so effective!
Project example - PROSTO Expected results: Development of optimized STOs Pilot implementations of STOs (local show cases) + demonstration of their high impact in five areas: the Region of Lazio and the Cities of Lisbon, Murcia, Stuttgart and Giurgiu Dissemination of project outcomes to potential new local authorities in Europe Over 10 new local authorities start concrete implementation on STO Implementation of five best practice Solar Thermal Ordinances (STOs) Partners: local authorities, technical and research institutes, solar energy association, energy agencies Target groups: cities, local and regional authorities
The PROBIO project Biodiesel Points Card system introduced in 4 provinces in Spain and Slovenia: users 261 farmers trained on biodiesel production and use Facilitation of commercial contracts for a total of 3.5 million Euros 13 new filling stations selling biodiesel Promotional campaign reaching people in the involved regions More than 5.5 million litres of biodiesel put on the market (yearly consumption of more than cars)
x Bio-business initiative Project example 3 GIS planning projects Enabling policies GIS bioenergy planning tool Contribution to 11 local biomass action plans 260 land planners trained (building skills) Driving markets Bringing together potential suppliers, end-users & financiers Triggering new businesses & installation of new plants (30 MWth installed & t/a CO 2 -eq saved) “BEN” “BIOENERGIS” “MAKE-IT-BE” 11 flagship regions on bioenergy planning in 7 countries
SUSTAINABLE NOW Building local capacity development for integrated energy management and implementation of local energy plans. How? capacity building, peer exchange and reviews in order to create tangible results. Two Europe-wide circles of Learning and Excellence have been set up. Local government capacity will be improved and a guidance package developed. Leading communities, political and administrative bodies in energy transition periods
Getting your project supported: How does it work? In response to the annual call, you can propose a project and apply for funding The EACI evaluates all proposals with the help of independent experts The best proposals are selected and invited to prepare and sign a grant agreement The project team carries out the project according to the agreed work plan The EACI monitors and supports the project, and helps spread its results
What do I need to start writing? Call for Proposals 2010: award criteria, priorities and deadlines Work Programme 2010: backgrounds, priorities and budgets Application forms & Guide for Proposers: essential forms and guides to draw up and submit your proposal
More info on in each field: >> presentations for each specific key action ALTENER workshop SAVE workshop STEER workshop Integrated Initiatives Workshop >> presentation on how to apply sucessfully!
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