1 OCL Tools Supervised by Prof. Daniel Amyot May Khalil Nadia Spido Submitted to Professor Daniel Amyot in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the course CSI 5112
2 Outline Project context and goals Methodology Candidate tools Previously analyzed Dresden OCLE Octopus Evaluation criteria Experiments Summary and recommendation
3 Project Context Development of Academic Control System Maple University Software Development Research Group Support from private company Interest in OCL: exploration establishment in software development
4 Project Goals Moving towards MDA approach, where the models play a central role in presenting abstractions of real-world systems therefore, we focus on the use of high precision OCL- based UML models, to help: designers make up a coherent model of the problem domain, developers making use of the implementation of an OCL specification, which will reduce the development, testing and maintenance effort Support to free software and open source development
5 Methodology Module “Courses Registration” chosen
6 Methodology - Courses Registration simple design
7 Methodology – Sample Constraints A course can not be a direct pre-requisite of itself The attribute name for courses must be unique In order to register in a course in a different level from the student's level, a student must have an explicit authorization context Student inv diffLevel: regs->select(regcourse_offered.course.level <> self.level)- >forAll((auths ->select(authcourse_offered.course.id = regcourse_offered.course.id))->notEmpty) A student can not be registered for a course if he or she has already passed that course
8 Methodology - Evaluation Similar experiments applied to both tools Assign evaluation marks : for low level criteria (L) the weight is 1 for high level criteria (H) the weight is 2 MarkDescription 0Feature is not present 1Feature presents minimum resources 2Feature is fully implemented 3Feature offers extra advantages
9 Previously analyzed tool Dresden OCL Toolkit - Initially good candidate tool - Did not work: 1) Standalone version does not load models 2) Eclipse Plugin needs generation and did compile, no stable version - Documentation is poor
10 Candidate Tools 1. OCL Environment 2. OCL Tool for Precise UML Specifications
11 OCLE Started in the 90’s LCI team from BABEŞ-BOLYAI UNIVERSITY - CLUJ-NAPOCA, ROMANIA UML CASE Tool for both static and dynamic OCL Checking
12 Octopus Started in the 90’s Jos Warmer and Anneke Kleppe - authors of famous UML and OCL books OCL Tool for static check OCL expressions
13 Evaluation Criteria Integration Number of integration with case tools and type of Integration (H) Validation and Verification Syntactical analysis (H) Typechecking (H) Logical consistency checking (L) Dynamic behavior validation (L) Parsing (L) Transformation Uml Class Diagrams to Java Code (H) Documentation Provided examples and Efficiency, completeness, and clarity of documentation (H)
14 GRL
15 1.Integration Currently each modeling tool uses its own dialect of the UML interchange format XMI. It is therefore very difficult to create an XMI import functionality that works correctly for each UML model Octopus is an Eclipse plug-in Both tools exchange UML models with ArgoUML OCLE USE Octopus Poseidon
16 Octopus Tool
17 OCLE Tool
18 2. Validation and Verification OCLE Demo Octopus Demo
19 1-Syntactical analysis - Octopus
20 1-Syntactical analysis - OCLE
21 2-Typechecking - Octopus As OCL constraints always make reference to an underlying class model, an OCL typechecker has to have access to the underlying UML model information.
22 2-Typechecking - OCLE
23 3-Logical consistency - Octopus As was expected non of the tools respond to the contradiction of OCL Constraints
24 3-Logical consistency - OCLE
25 4-Dynamic Checking - Octopus The tool imported the object class diagram successfully BUT: the OCL constraints were not evaluated against the corresponding instance model (object diagram)
26 4-Dynamic Checking - OCLE
27 5-Parsing Octopus context Course inv CUniqueN: Course::allInstances()->isUnique(name)
28 5-Parsing - OCLE
29 3. Transformation correspondence and traceability presentation of generalization relations handling of associations directions representation of collections getters, setters or any additional methods Compilation Code generation for OCL constraints
30 Uml Class Diagrams to Java Code -Octopus
31 Uml Class Diagrams to Java Code -OCLE
32 Summary and recommendation The evaluation was applied to the candidate tools aiming at the use of OCL as a facilitator resource for modeling and developing the academic system. OCLE has the dynamic checking, Octopus is an Eclipse plug-in. So it is recommended to benefit from both tools for better checking OCL and building the code.
33 References 1. Dresden OCL Toolkit: Dresden OCL Toolkit: 2. OCLE – Object Constraint Language Environment: OCLE – Object Constraint Language Environment: BAAR, T., et al. Tool Support for OCL and Related Formalisms – Needs and Trends, GOGOLLA, M., et al. Tool Support for Validating UML and OCL Models through Automatic Snapshot Generation, HUSSMANN, H., et al. Modular architecture for a toolset supporting OCL, CLARK, T. AND WARMER, J. Object Modeling with the OCL, 2002, pp DZIDEK, W. et al. Lessons Learned from Developing a Dynamic OCL Constraint Enforcement Tool for Java, JOS WARMER, ANNEKE KLEPPE. The Object Constraint Language ISBN
34 Thank you Questions ?