Recommend SSDB FY06 Priorities Oct – Sep Provide access 2.Respond to reviews 3.Add new capabilities 4.Action items SSDB Advisory Board Meeting Scripps Institution of Oceanography September 15, 2005
1. Provide Access SDSC machine room High bandwidth, availability, reliability 2 complete systems: Production Development SIO Backup and processing system Secure offsite backup
2. Respond to Reviews What works? What doesn’t work? What features are needed to better support Proponents Panel Meetings Administration Gather reviews from Proponents during upload SSP members during panel meeting Advisory Board September 14 IODP-MI review September 15
Notes from panel review, September 14 Alistair Harding Emphasize search by site name Improve predicted topography base map High resolution tiling, as needed Access proponent’s contributed base maps Access thumbnails of all images Suzanne Carbotte Display navigation tracks, with names Display objects, with names Barry Zelt Add coverage for Arctic, Antarctic
Dale Sawyer Site summary location figure template Proponent initially uploads to Proposal Database Consider technology to update versions Live links to objects in SSDB Review submission requirements statement Add segy, nav statement with examples Earl Doyle Access to analog objects Responsibility of proponent SSDB to accomplish and bill proponent, as needed SSDB to publish inventory of analog objects Roger Searle Access to legacy digital media, not in SSDB SSDB to accomplish and bill proponent, as needed
3. Add new capabilities Seismic display across network Streamline as practical tool Provide SSDB user guide for settings Test seismic 3D with INTviewer Alistair to provide ARAD3D 500 MB test data Possibly sedimentary example Accept derived products – quicktime, etc How many licenses to purchase? 10, plus 1 3D evaluation license INT Logviewer Request evaluation license Visualization Option as 3D location figure Test automated operation Example – 591, if permission granted Template for active-linked site location figure
SSDB-in-a-box Panel meetings Shipboard use Digital library, interfaces, PostgreSQL, SRB, web server, wireless, laptop, external disk Plone site for meeting use Requirements matrix interface Develop interface with Proposal Database Exchange files with metadata information as controlled documents Objects? Cover sheet, site summary pages, figures
Improve metadata for holdings harvested from LDEO Problems Lat, lon only 1 degree resolution Site and line names missing or changing Processing steps (new uploads only) Policy – correct metadata, case-by-case IODP-MI SSDB staff Proponent Metadata editor for existing objects Used by SSDB, IODP-MI staff, proponents Simplify list of standard data types Publication interface Assign priorities to new capabilities
Panel Priority Assignment 7, Site summary location figure template pdf for proposal database 6, Thumbnails of all images (image catalogue) 6, Display navigation for objects, not just icons 6, Simplify list of standard data types (SSDB+panel) 6, Revise submission requirements statement (SSDB+panel) Navigation file for each file 6, Improve metadata for LDEO holdings for proposals being reviewed, and create metadata editor tool for existing objects 5, Implement requirements matrix interface (SSDB+panels) 6, Base maps with high resolution tiles, contributed charts 4, Provide INTviewer user guide, purchase 10 web-server licenses, 1 standalone with flexlm: Logviewer evaluation as web-server implementation. 2, Plone site for meeting use 1, Access legacy objects, case-by-case (publish inventory) 1, Add viewer coverage for Arctic, Antarctic (Neben) 0, Test INTviewer 3D 0, Visualization option for 3D location figure (guide and example) 0, SSDB-in-a-box 0, Develop interface with Proposal Database 0, Site summary figure - active link version in SSDB Post-facto: -Data abstract: Narrative explaining the interpretation and relationship of data submitted in review
Assign priorities to new capabilities SSDB FY06 Tasks as reviewed by Advisory Board IODP Priority Adv Board Priority Estimated Person- months Simplify list of standard data types (with panel) Revise submission requirements statement, including nav for profiles (with panel) Data abstract: Narrative explaining the interpretation and relationship of data submitted in review Migration strategy for site summary location figure template pdf from proposal database to SSDB Publish inventory of physical objects from LDEO (access case-by-case ) Plone site for meeting use Thumbnails of all images (image catalogue design; apply to all objects) 60.5 Visualization option for 3D location figure (guide and example) 00.5 Develop interface with Proposal Database; test 00.5 Provide INTviewer user guide, purchase 10 web-server licenses, 1 standalone 2d/3d INTviewer with flexlm, 1 Logviewer with flexlm Implement requirements matrix interface Test INTviewer 3D SSDB-in-a-box Implement simplified data types in mtf; create documentation; republish all objects in all proposals under new classification scheme 61 Document and streamline upload process and interfaces 1.25 Add viewer coverage for Arctic, Antarctic (Neben) 11.4 Improve metadata for LDEO holdings for proposals being reviewed, and create metadata editor tool for existing objects 61.5 Site summary figure - active link version in SSDB 01.5 Base maps with high resolution tiles, contributed charts 62 Respond to existing SSDB action items 2.25 Display navigation for objects, not just icons 63 Create interface between SSDB and Scientific Prospectus 3