E – Scrapbooking for Digital Storytelling Pat Auger MEDT 8461 July, 2010
“Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Digital stories derive their power by weaving images, music, narrative and voice together, thereby giving deep dimension and vivid color to characters, situations, experiences, and insights.” Leslie Rule, Center for Digital StorytellingCenter for Digital Storytelling
The value of DS for students ∼ Provides a voice for self-expression ∼ Consider critical issues ∼ Document event or chronicle stories ∼ Preserve artifacts, photos or stories ∼ Encourages reflective thinking ∼ Demonstrates understanding ∼ Viewers are personally engaged Value of Digital Storytelling…
Communicate information and facts Share viewpoints and memories Reflect on ideas and insights Meet standards authentically Use primary and secondary sources Organize and combine materials Published product measures understanding No right or wrong creation Why E-Scrap?
Jaylie is 20 months old and having a great time on the swing. It is a fun day at the park with Nana.
“We are our stories. We compress years of experience, thought, and emotion into a few compact narratives that we convey to others and tell to ourselves.” Daniel Pink A Whole New Mind
The Creation Process…
Questions… Photo Credit: US Fish and Wildlife Service Reflect
Photo Credit: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Analyze
Focus on a subject… http :// http :// Art……Architecture…...Issues….. Events …..Experiences…..Auto- biography…..Records…..Life…..News ….Literature…..People…..Symbols….. Quotes…..Documents….Songs…..Signs …..Myths…..Misconceptions…..
Photo Credit:US Fish and Wildlife Service Photos Credit:US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Primary Sources…
Focus on Thinking… IdentifyInterpretAnalyzeSynthesizeEvaluate = Critical Thinking = Critical Thinking How do I pull this together?
Formatting the Information… Photo credits: Photo credit: NC Dept. of Tourism
Scrap Comics… 1/conifers/Launcher.html
Creation Tools Blog – Great for group collaborations Graphics software – offers more flexibility for sizing, layering and positioning items Adobe Acrobat – publish any document with fonts, graphics and colors intact Presentation tools – Powerpoint, etc. Scrapbook software – fees often involved, but specific to the task Specialty software – Inspiration, Kidpix, etc. Web pages
Online Resources Electronic Scrapbooking Electronic Scrapbooking Educational Scrapbooking Educational Scrapbooking Traditional Scrapbooking Traditional Scrapbooking Source: by A. Lamb
Sources Barrett, H. (2010). Electronic portfolio development and digital storytelling. Retrieved from: Cottage Arts. (2010). Cottage arts scrapbooking. Retrieved from Dorman, J. (2010) Digital storytelling. Students as directors of learning. Retrieved from Google. (2010). Images. Retrieved from: Lamb, A. (2010). EScrapbooking. Retrieved from Library of Congress. (2010). American Memory Project. Retrieved from: