Technology Grant Writing Tips and Resources Donna Frymire and Darlynda Miktuk WNYRIC/Erie 1 BOCES NYSCATE Grants and Awards Committee Members
Are you looking for money to fund technology in your classroom? During this session, you will receive grant writing tips and resources that may help you acquire the grants in which you are applying for. You will also obtain helpful information regarding the NYSCATE grants that are available for educators. How this session came about....
Disclaimers... - NOT professional grant writers - Administrative approval required before starting - NYSCATE Grants and Awards Committee - Rubrics used to evaluate applications - Suggestions for resources - Recommendations for application completion - District curricular and instructional technology initiatives
As a reviewing committee... We found that successful candidates…successful candidates - completed applications thouroughly - followed directions - stayed on topic - submitted documentation on time - goals and objectives were clear
Funding Sources: - Many sites available for educatorssites - Professional Grant WritersProfessional Grant Writers - Mini grantsMini - Classroom rewards - Box Tops for EducationBox Tops for Education - Vendor resourcesVendor - Search and networknetwork - New way of funding a classroom projectclassroom project - Grant funding alertsalerts
Writing Tips - READ the application - read guidelines closelyguidelines - Do NOT use a cookie cutter application - Have others review - Request professional development - Project must match foundation’s mission statementmission statement - Address standards - NYS and ISTE NETSNYSNETS - BudgetBudget - Be clear and concise - Look for examples of good grant proposalsexamples
Do Not Forget.... To say Thank You!!!
Some questions and answers about grant proposals
Professional Grant Writers Good Reasons to Hire One - to write a good, basic proposal - to help with searching for funding sources - five grant proposals are due in a week Bad Reasons to Hire One - grant writer makes false promises - nobody wants to write a grant proposal
Budget - How much will project cost? -personnel expenses: expenses for all people who will work on project - direct project expenses - administrative or overhead expenses - get cost quotes or best estimates
Should I apply to more than one grant funder at a time? Not all grant funders want to be the only source of funding for your project. Thus, you may apply to multiple grant funders.
What happens to my grant proposal after it reaches the grant funder? Your grant proposal will go through some type of screening process. Staff may look at it and make a decision or it may go to a board, and the board will make a decision.
If my grant proposal gets rejected, then what is the next step? You have various choices: - accept the rejection - apply again next year paying close attention to guidelines
My proposal was accepted now what do I do? - follow post guidelines set up by grant funder - send a thank you
What should I do if I raise some money, but not all the money I need for my project? - submit proposals to more grant funders - adapt project to smaller amount of funds but get funder approval - ask if can transfer to another project - if can’t work out - send funds back
Donna Frymire: Darlynda Miktuk: Website:
Mary Ellen Shevailer: Lee Bryant Outstanding NYS Teacher
Maria Mesires 2009 Grant Winner “Making Mitosis and Meiosis Visible”
Nancy McGowan 2009 Grant Winner “Using the Easiteach Software to its Highest Potential- Acquiring the Easiteach Extended Package”