Marine Biology I An Ecological Approach American Lobster Homarus americanus
Another species of lobster Spiny Lobster Spiny Lobster Panulirus argus Panulirus argus
Topics in Marine Biology I Planet Earth Planet Earth Planet Ocean Planet Ocean
Introduction to Marine Biology The Rocky Shore Community How do marine organisms adapt and survive on such a difficult environment? How do marine organisms adapt and survive on such a difficult environment?
Zones of marine organisms along a rocky shore community Zones of marine organisms along a rocky shore community
The Chemistry of Water / Sea Water The chemistry of water makes life possible The chemistry of water makes life possible
Formation of Long Island Sound What geological forces were and are responsible for the formation of Long Island Sound? What geological forces were and are responsible for the formation of Long Island Sound?
Geological formation of LIS The formation of LIS and the New England shoreline is directly related to the last ice age The formation of LIS and the New England shoreline is directly related to the last ice age
Marine Ecosystems
Inter-tidal Communities: Rocky Shore, Sandy Shore, Mud Flat, Salt Marsh
Coral Reefs Mangroves
Deep Sea Vent Community
Marine Animal Identification, classification, and biology information
Classifying the American Lobster Kingdom : Animal Kingdom : Animal Phylum: Arthropoda Phylum: Arthropoda Class: Crustacea Class: Crustacea Order: Decapoda Order: Decapoda Family: Nephropidae (clawed lobsters) Family: Nephropidae (clawed lobsters) Genus: Homarus Genus: Homarus Species: americanus Species: americanus
Maintaining & Monitoring a salt water aquarium Salinity Salinity Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved Oxygen pH pH Nitrates Nitrates Ammonia Ammonia Temperature Temperature Density Density